Saturday, June 13, 2015

Why "Half Glass" Perspective is Important

Let's face it, we live in a world where "half glass" concept exists.  They say half-glass-full people is optimistic, and the other half live in a pessimistic world where no one wants to live in it.  But the truth is, we need both sides of the story.  Why?

Half Glass Full
* To be grateful for what we have
* To be thankful for what we've experienced
* To enjoy life as it is
* To count our blessings
* To be in the mindset that "now I know more"!

Half Glass Empty
* To know that there's more work need to be done
* To realize the race is not finished yet, keep moving on to our goal!
* To tap more into our deeper potential
* To understand what it means to not have everything and be kind to those who less fortunate
* To learn more!

Our reality will always balanced out between these 2. The secret is to choose one condition based on our situation.  Hope this help. :)

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