Sunday, September 18, 2016


When we hear the word "investment", our minds often racing to the financial meanings behind it. It's true though.

According to Wikipedia:
To invest is to allocate money (or sometimes another resource, such as time) in the expectation of some benefit in the future.

Beside your money, there are other ways you can expand your investment activities to include certain areas : like invest in your children and invest in yourself. All investment are important, because it's directing today's effort for future benefits.

1. Invest your money.
If you want to be rich, you have to start investing your money. If you want to be a little be ahead of the game, start investing. If you want to have money tree (where you literally just "harvest" the fruit of your money tree), start investing. If you don't know how, learn. There are tons of books and articles already written in investment subject. The point is, start investing your money.  Be careful to not be trapped in some investment scams though. Study it before you do anything. Test with something small first. If you like where your investment is heading, you can always add more later.

2. Invest in your children.
Their future is in our hands. Our future is in theirs. Eventually we all will live in the world they created. They are our future leaders, scientist, doctors, teachers, soldiers, etc. If we don't help invest in their upbringing, then who will?

3. Invest in yourself.
Continuous learning to perfect your skills and crafts. Sharpen your axe. Nobody can say it better than the king of investment himself, Warren Buffet.

In the end of the day, don't we all want to be better financially, emotionally, intellectually, living in a better world for future generations?

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