Tuesday, August 22, 2017

World Peace (What)

What do we all want?

I think we want the same thing. World Peace. The world finally quits being so violent and for us to have peace wherever, whenever we are.

Why the world peace is so important? With peace, we can do the best without fear. Without intimidation. Without feeling have to be rushed or bullied into. Most of Miss Universe have been saying this since the pageant itself started in 1952! Come on people, it's 2017! It's time we promote World Peace!

I believe we can achieve world peace one day. Every countries, all of them, none exempted, will be at peace with one another. No more terrorism, no more war. Each countries can do what its best can do for the better of humanity.

To achieve this goal, we have to start with ourselves.

There are 5 stages of peace:
1. Self Peace
2. Family Peace
3. Society/Local Peace
4. Country Peace
5. World Peace

Next, how will we get there? I'll share the steps with you in my next blog post, World Peace (How).

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