Monday, September 04, 2017


Few days ago, one of my friend gave me this quote:

And it's true.

Success often perceived as the final destination. But that's the danger of being successful. One can become complacent. One can just give in of the savory aspect of success. To just enjoy it and forget to push forward.

This is why I often view my successes as just "the past". It was a nice memories, but that's it, it's history. If we want to continually be successful, we need to keep the momentum and keep it going.

Success often leads to complacency. According to the dictionary, complacency is:
  1. a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.

    "the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency"

The danger of complacency:
1. We forget our goals.
2. We forget how important it is to keep running to the next finish line.
3. We are not aware of the next danger and succumb into the comfort zone.
4. We reduce our focus and take things for granted.
5. We're not going to arrive at the next success points on time, or maybe never at all.

It is okay to celebrate success. A victory needs to be savored. But don't stay there. Once the party is over, continue to focus on your work and reach out to the next milestones. Keep pushing forward!

Be successful, and don't be complacent.

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