Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blog Revival. I'm BACK! :)

After about 3 years absence of blogging, I decided to come back here.  I am back!!! I have not yet decide to continue this blog in my native language, Bahasa Indonesia; or in the universal language of the world, the English language.  I do enjoy writing in Indonesian, as a reminder of how much I miss my homeland.  However, I think by writing in English, I may reach out to broader audience. So people from all nations can enjoy the benefit of my thoughts and feelings!  After all, the more the merrier!

For a start, I'm going to continue in English.  But who knows in next future blog I'll write again in Indonesian.  I don't want to lose the skill of "being able to speak in another language". :)

It is now 2015.

Wow.  Time sure flies fast.  In few months, me and my husband will celebrate our 10th year wedding anniversary.  Sometimes I think I've been married longer than that time, but in other days it feels that it was just yesterday of me meeting him for the first time.  We met via yahoo chess online.  And just when you think that chess is so 1983, I see that my husband is now still playing chess online (his desk is right next to my desk, so I can see his game on the other computer screen), and still winning them games!  Yay honey! ♥

Sometimes I think my past life are just dreams.  Now I live in a different reality.  Sometimes I can't believe that once upon a time ago, I lived in another country, under different weather, with different type of people.  Different dreams, different goals.

But you know what, people around the world are basically the same.  They have feelings.  They have worry.  They have pride.  There are humble people, there are arrogant ones.  There are nice people, there are rude ones.  There are considerate kind, and there are selfish type.  There are the ones that you can trust, and of course there's also the type that will "throw you under the bus".  It's the same here and there.

So, I decided to not worry anymore about the "people" part.  I'm going to focus on my goals, my dreams.  It may have been changed, adapted, and evolved; but I still have the willpower to see it through.  My short-term goal is to loose weight with daily exercise.  Not that I need to, as my BMI level is at normal. But I think it's important to ensure I keep the daily workout for longevity.

During July 2011 till July 2013, I've lost about 23 pounds (roughly 10 kg).  That's just by limiting my portions and watching what I ate.  No exercise.  But looks like I've hit the weight loss plateau.  From July 2013 till late 2014, I haven't loss significant amount, and the weight is creeping back up.  So as the New Year's 2015 resolution, I decided to put my 100% commitment in back to portion control, plus now, the exercise.

Lately, I've been doing the dance workout from Youtube (thank you Michelle Le May!! You're awesome!).  Here's the link:  And I gotta tell you, the first day I've done it, I was sweating!!  I haven't sweat in a long time, well because I wasn't exercising regularly, but after that 1st time of doing Michelle's dance workout, I felt refreshed and excited!  I am committed to do this in the daily basis!

Well, that's it for now.  I'll see you all again in the next blog.  Thanks for your time reading this.  I'm happy to share my life with you, my dear blog readers!  Have a great day! :)

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