Thursday, May 28, 2015

3 Persona

Did you know that you have 3 personality types?  It applies to everyone.  What are they?

1. Past Self
Past Self is your self in the past.  It's history.  What's done is done.  This is your collections of your success, failures, and all activities leading to it.  Past Self could bolster your next steps into the right direction, and vice versa.  Past Self could imprisoned you if you don't let go of guilt and dwell too much on "mistakes".  Instead, look at it as a practice field to refine your skill.  After all, practice makes perfect.  The good news is, by reconnecting with Past Self, you can always look back at how determined you were to achieve your goal in time of trial and tribulations.  Look at it as a rear view mirror.  Just occasionally check to see how far you've grown!

2. Present Self
Present Self is your self in the present.  In the now.  If life is illustrated as a journey going from point A to point B, this is your point A. Be in the present. Be aware of your surrounding.  You never know when opportunity knocks.  Although discipline in daily grind is important, but "stop-and-smell-the-roses" attitude will help you appreciate your condition right now.  Present Self is also the busy bee. Present Self do things that must be done, or lack of thereof. So?  Get it done.

3. Future Self
Future Self is your self in the future.  You're not there yet, but eventually will be there.  This is your point B.  This is your finish line and/or multiple checkpoints.  Future Self will often time caught being thankful to the Past Self and Present Self, when the Present Self finally arrive in their destination and hitting their goal.  Future Self eventually become Present Self on the destination day.

So which one is important?

The truth is, all of them are important.

You need your Past Self to remind you your history,  to not repeat the same mistake twice (Mistake is okay, but don't repeat it again.  Learn from it!)

You need your Present Self to do things that have been planned by your Past Self.  And prepare your next stop for the sake of your future.

You need your Future Self to constantly draw you to the better place.  Keep going.  Eyes on target.

All these 3 personality types work cohesively together and form the most important thing that matter. YOU.

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