Friday, June 19, 2015

Decide to do it in this lifetime

Whatever it is you plan to do, to make things better, faster, cheaper, decide to do it in this lifetime. You will amaze yourself on tapping your capabilities in a way that you never think before!

I'm proud that at least I achieved these 3 accomplishments:
1. Closed a $10 million dollar deal when I used to work in a big foreign bank in Indonesia.
2. Closed another half million dollar deal that land me a trip to Italy for 2 weeks.
3. Lead a direct sales team of 40 people.

And I did it all before I get married at 26!

These achievements are something that I will always carry in my heart for the rest of my life.  And all because I was dare to do it. So whatever you wish, dream, and want to do, just do it!  You can do it!

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