Saturday, April 23, 2016

My Life Now

I'm happy.

I live in one of the best and safest country in the world. I live in a beautiful home with gorgeous view all surround me. Every morning I wake up and get dressed to get to work, I can see Mount St. Helens afar with it's snowy peak across from my mini window in my closet. I felt so peaceful whenever I do that. In the afternoon, after my work, I sit down in one of the room that has been converted into an office, and I can see the tall green trees outside, and I feel in serenity.

I work in one of the biggest bank in America. I get to work in a reasonable hours, from 8 or 9 am to 5 or 6 pm, depends on the day. My profession is a personal banker, my favorite job. I get to meet people from various walks of life and it feels so good to help their financial lives to be in a better state.  I work so close from my home, only 10 minutes away, with no traffic in between. How lucky is that?

I'm married to a husband that is so loving and faithful to me. He is full of sense of humor and have a gentle spirit. He's kind, funny, and very understanding. I've been living this wonderful dream for the last eleven years, and only wish that this relationship will never end.

My mom still alive and live with us. She's very cute and protective, just like a mama bear. We all live together happily ever after. All of us: me, my husband, and my mom, are very healthy and not sick at all.  My house is clean and free from clutter. I am very thankful that we living this great life!

I'm happy because I have a choice to cook for dinner or buy food home from a restaurant near by. I'm happy because our house is full of our favorite snacks. I'm happy because even though we can eat what we want but we keep watching our weights and ensure we're not pass our max limits. 

My life now is a bit different from what I've envisioned twenty years ago, but that's okay. It's actually turns out to be better that what I originally planned. 

I'm happy. Life is great!

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