Friday, August 26, 2016

Learn "Happy"

If you happy when you have nothing, you'll be happy when you have everything - Anonymous.

Many people think happiness is a goal. A destination. A status reached. I myself was guilty of this too. I thought,"Oh I'll be happy when I graduate" - when I was in school. When I was single, I thought I'll be happier when I get married. When I used to rent an apartment, I always thinking how happy I will be when I buy a house. Others might think,"I'll be happy when my children grow up to be over 18 and be independent on their own". Some think,"I'll be happy when I get promoted, get new raise, or get better job elsewhere."

And the funny thing is, when life moves us to those stage we want, yet we're not fully happy. Yet we still aim for something else. As if, there's always something missing to complete our happiness.

So now I learn, that if I'm happy with I have now (or lack of thereof), then I finally know the key to happiness. Happiness is not measured in wealth, status, or any other symbol that the common norm perceived. Happiness is when you happy, no matter what.

My husband taught me that happiness is an inside job. It's a state of mind. And yes, he is 100% correct on this matter. I see my husband grow from the last decade, he's always happy (and peaceful) no matter what. I admire his inner peace, which finally produce his inner happiness. Which he spread to his family (I'm definitely so lucky to be his wife!), his coworkers, and his society.

So if right now we're not that happy yet, learn. Learn to be happy. Be happy first. Then everything will follow. If you can be happy now, you'll be happy later. If you're not happy now, you can always change your mindset and your feeling. We are human, the most versatile being (compared to animals and plants). The best thing of being human is we have the ability to progress. That includes happiness.

Today I hope you happy. To find true happiness, we all need to learn to master happiness. I wish you always be happy! Today, tomorrow, and forever and ever! :)

*And they all live happily ever after* - The End.

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