Saturday, August 13, 2016

Living my dream (love & life)

On 6th October 2002, I had an impossible dream. I wish one day I'll meet Lloyd (husband now, boyfriend then), and play chess face to face together. I said impossible because at that time I did not think that I would meet him face to face. I lived in Indonesia, he lived in United States. We had a long distance relationship. And we didn't know that eventually we'll marry. We didn't know that eventually I come to United States. We didn't know that we'll play chess again.

But today, August 13th, 2016, I am living my dream again! I finally able to play chess face to face with Lloyd, and had two games in a row. (Well, in 2003, we played face to face; and today we play a couple more matches.) This dream seems simple, but if you asked me fourteen years ago, I'd say I would give up anything just to be with him physically! And to play chess face to face, instead of virtual, like what we used to do in the early stages of our friendship/relationship.

I must always remember to cherish my dreams. Dreams do come true when you work towards it and make it to your reality.

It's an indescribable feeling. To live the dream. To finally have your dream come true.

My point is, never give up on your dreams. Work towards it and your dream will become your reality. And it's so fun to live in the reality of your dreams!

Have a nice day! :)

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