Tuesday, August 23, 2016

To be the BEST

To be the BEST, you have to be BETTER at whatever you're doing now.

To be BETTER, you have to be GOOD at what you're doing.

So first, practice to be GOOD, and then to be BETTER, then eventually you'll be the BEST.

Practice makes perfect.


Every day, I'm trying to be a better person. Better daughter, better wife, better employee, better friend, better human. I'm definitely far from perfect, but at least I try my hardest to get there. Trying to be better doesn't mean that I'm bad. It means that I'm already good at what I'm doing, but I know that there's some potential powers within me that can still be developed into the next level. I don't satisfy with status quo. I believe I still have plenty skills and talents that waiting to be released to produce better results.

As human, we normally use only 10% of our potential. This principle is wide-known. Here's some reference about it:
1. Wikipedia
2. Morgan Freeman's movie "Lucy"
3. Bradley Cooper's movie "Limitless"
4. Wired

Whether it's true or not, whether it's 10% or 5% or 23%, the point is I believe I can still do things better if I want to try to be better. The funny thing is, once I realize that I could be better, then I start doing things differently.

For example, I want to be a better communicator. I want to talk effective and efficient. So now, I stop ramble aimlessly, and start focusing on the key points when I talk with someone. Without sacrificing my sanguine flair, I can make a better conversation by getting to the point faster (efficient) and get my audience understand the point (effective).

I need to remind myself everyday that I have to be better, by working, doing, talking smarter. Smart doesn't mean short cut and cheats, it just meant doing things a little bit faster and better! But only do that when you already know how to do it right. Don't do things faster and compromise the quality of your work. Quality things still takes time, but after you do it right several times, you can always speed up the process.

Why I want to be better? Well... it's because eventually I want to be the BEST. :)

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