Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Most Precious Commodity In The World

What is the most precious commodity in the world?

Is it money? Diamond? Oil? Elegant dinner in a Michelin award-winning restaurant?

According to Stirling Silliphant (from the book Zen in the Martial Arts, by Joe Hyams), TIME is the most precious commodities we have. Once passed, it's gone forever. Stirling, Joe, and Bruce Lee once had a conversation about time, and I found it interesting to see how they view time.

To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner.
To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly.

We all have time to spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it.

Anyone who steals my time is stealing my life because they are taking my existence from me.

As I get older, I realize, time is the only thing I have left.

The choice  of how I spend my time is mine, and it is not dictated by social convention.

And the more I'm thinking about it, the more I find deeper meaning behind all this.

Don't waste time thinking people who don't care about you.
Spend time with people you love and love you back.

Don't waste time on petty projects that carries insignificant value in the future.
Spend time doing more important things.

Don't waste your time.
Spend your time doing things you enjoy.

Life unfolds on a great sheet called Time, and once finished it is gone forever. - Chinese adage.

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