Thursday, August 10, 2017

Live Your Best Life

"If today you wake up again in the morning, that means you given another chance to live your best life." - Anonymous.

To live your best life.

Many of us wander through life as if there's another day of tomorrow. We take things for granted, we take people for granted, and we disregard experiences. But I bet there are many people out there that would trade places with us, given an opportunity. People that only has so many days left due to their critical illness. People that in their deathbed relieving their best memory with their family and friends. People who already passed away. People that are not given another chance to live another day.

We heard the phrase,"Live as this is your last day." I say,"Live as if this is your best day ever to live!". Let's give it our best. Let's give it our 100%. In everything that we do. What we think, say, and do in action should be in unison. We shouldn't settle for mediocrity and be complacent in yesterday's glories. Instead, let's make new accomplishment, new things to strive for, new time for people who matters for us.

Today is the best time to live in this earth. We have so many advantage ahead compared to people living few centuries ago. I think we live better than even kings and queens of the past! Kings and queens of the middle ages doesn't have internet. They don't have Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram to entertain us. They only can settle with a game of chess - an actual chess because they are strategizing thru war! They have to be happy if they live after 40 years old because they might escape dysentery, but us? We might live a bit longer thanks to technology, inventions, and new cure in healthcare.

In the past we attend school face to face, but now? We can learn so many new things thru television and online studies. Website like Youtube and other online learnings help us to understand how things are. In the past we have to fill up our spaces with tons of books, but now, Kindle can store more than 6000 books all at once, and you can bring that when you fly to your next vacation spot.

So many great things happen in this world today. So many good things we can do and teach the next generations. So let's teach them the attitude of thinking big and do great things.

Let's live our best life TODAY!

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