Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Limited Resources

Not everything is unlimited.

There are few things that are unlimited. Time, for example. Time itself as a concept is unlimited. There's always going to be time in the future. But our time, is limited. One day each of us going to be 'expired', just like milk. When and where, we don't know. But one thing for sure, our time is definitely not unlimited.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day. If we break down our day, that could be :
* 8 hours sleeping
* 8 hours working (or in school, if you're a student)
* 8 hours non-sleeping nor working/schooling = errands, homework, chores, fun, family, relax, etc.

Knowing that our day is limited, we need to prioritize things we do based on the importance. Make a list. The quicker you finished your tasks, the sooner you have free time to do whatever you want.

You also need to put a strategy into this. Are there things that you can do in the same time? Multi tasking is not really a bad thing if you can manage to finish 2-3 things at once. For instance, I'm preparing today's lunch. I like to eat noodle, so today I plan to eat my homemade peanut noodle. But in doing this, I will also cook my balsamic noodles to prep for my lunch for the next 2 days in the office. By preparing the noodles at the same time, the result is I'm making 3 meals at once. Save my time and energy!

Another resources that also is limited is energy. Again, the energy itself is unlimited. But our energy, is definitely limited. If it's not, then why we need coffee everyday? Some of my friends drinking energy drinks to keep them energized. This is another proof that our energy is a limited resources.

Since I'm not consuming coffee or energy drink, I must conserve my energy. If I know I'm going to have a long day in the office, let's say working 9 hours that day, I behave in a way that my energy is not all released at the same time. Keep the energy and replenish by snacks and lunch during the break time.

One tips that I do, is to control my excitement level. Everyone that knows me in the past can tell that I'm an excitable person. I rejoice in small things and get happy easily. But this could lead to my downfall too, having no energy left by the end of the day because I already exhaust it. So I learn to control my "outburst". Don't be too excited, but instead be calm and control my feelings, because I still have "a long way to go".

By understanding this limited resources concept, we gain knowledge that there are times and place to do things we need to do, and things we want to do. We find balance between obligations and rewards. We focus on quality instead of quantity.

Our time and our energy are limited, so use it wisely.

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