Sunday, October 22, 2017

And the survey says...

I was walking with my husband today at the mall. As we walked while eating our ice cream, my eyes caught an interesting corner office with the label Opinion in the window. There are nothing on the display beside that one word.

Next to the window, there are a glass door. There was an announcement of it. Before I could finish what was there, a gentleman came outside and unlocked the door. He turned the sign from "Close" to "Open". And then he said,"We're open."

We must have a questioning look on our face, because we couldn't figure out what kind of merchandise or service this place sell. So he explained it,"We are a market research company. If you do some survey, we'll pay you $5 dollar for your opinion."

Hm, interesting.

This place is inside the mall. Normally store sell stuff and we give out money for the exchange. But this? We get money if we give our opinion?

My husband and I looked at each other, and I know our curiosity beat us. As if begging us to explore more.

My husband asked him,"What kind of survey?"

He replied,"There are different kind of survey. For example, how old are you, mam?" he turned to me.

I said,"32." And in that split second I laugh and said,"Wait! No, I'm 39!!". This is one of a very funny moment for me, because not too long ago I just had a birthday, and I can't believe I said I was 32! I guess I'm stuck living in 2010 for a moment, hahaha!

He then provided me examples of what kind of survey I have in my age group.

Long story short, we did the surveys. We got 5 bucks (each). It was an intriguing experience. But I think it's great that these companies are doing market research to test the water. To see how the consumer react before (or after) they launch their next product or service.

Hm, maybe my "opinion" made it to the Family Feud survey? Who knows!

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