Monday, November 13, 2017

The Money Enigma

I can relate to Curious George.

There is a subject that always peek my curiosity.  This eventually become my passion. Other people pursue their passion of cooking, gardening, or crafting, while I pursue this thing since as long as I can remember.

This thing we call money. The finance matter.

As it turns out, in my twenty years journey demystifying the money history, I found out that it's not money itself that make it interesting, but the behavior on managing finances that make me want to learn mastering it.

I started with a book titled Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. From that book, I learned that there are 4 categories of how source of income being divided. I continue deepened his money philosophy by reading his next books, Cashflow Quadrant and The Business School.

Next, I read another money book titled The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Classon. A very interesting outlook about money. Old philosophy about savings and other important activities on how to win with money, with an interesting flair of another exotic and unique culture behind it.

My journey continues. I read The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J Stanley, which provides a refreshing take on how millionaires behave. Surprisingly, unlike the common perception, average millionaires do not flaunt their wealth. They live modestly, drive a two-year old paid off car, and living below their means. I guess that's why they are millionaires!

My husband knows that I love these finance stuff, so he gave me a book titled The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. This is one of the book that I would say change my life drastically. Thanks to Mr. Ramsey, I learn to do his seven baby steps to be financially happy!

Since I'm still ongoing on my financial quest to conquer money, I read the next book titled Retired Inspired, by Chris Hogan. I love how motivational this book can be! He lays out a game plan to have an HD (high definition) retirement dream. He detailed some obstacles preventing us having a dream retirement, along with the solutions to achieve a great retirement goal, so we all can retired with dignity!

Knowledge is like thirst. The more you drink, the more you become thirsty. So, not satisfied with all these money books I've read, now I land on the next best seller book, Love Your Life Not Theirs, by Rachel Cruze. I'm still in the middle of the book, so I can't tell you the conclusion yet. So far I learn that comparison is a killjoy, so no longer I want to compare my life with anybody else!

Understanding money and the behavior behind it is my passion. I love learning about these things. It's like unlocking a puzzle. It's like peeling an onion, layer by layer. The more I found the truth about money, the more I understand what to do with it. It's affecting all aspect of our life. The decision making we do impacting to our finances, the desire we need to limit while knowing we still have other obligations to meet, it makes us become a responsible adult.

I want to express my thanks to all the financial guru in the world who shares their wisdom about money and finance, and how it can directly touch our lives. Thank you for your financial education. Your insights and experience are so valuable, guiding us basic simple principle on how to master our money habits. And please, do continue to share this with the world! One day we all will be financially literate and able to pass along the wisdom to the next generation. And the next. And the next!

If you have great money books to read, please do share that with me! I would love to learn more!

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