Thursday, February 01, 2018

Saying No to Myself

This evening, as I was driving to buy delicious burgers from Carl's Jr, I imagined myself getting some onion rings and jalapeno poppers. It's been a while. I kept dreaming of those crispy onion rings and how luscious those cream cheese from the jalapeno poppers. I couldn't decide if I should get either one of those, or both! I've committed to at least get an onion rings if not both.

But deep inside, another voice keep tugging my conscience. "Onion rings are bad for you. They are deep fried in high saturated fat. Surely a faster way to get a high cholesterol which can eventually lead to a heart attack." How about jalapeno poppers? They are veggies. "No, they are bad too for your heart health. Deep fried, remember? And cream cheese too? High in fat content."

Sigh. This is a daily war for me. Food vs Health.

So anyway, as I arrive in Carl's Jr restaurant, I went inside and waiting patiently for a family who were ordering their food. Then it's my turn. I ordered 3 burgers for me, my husband, and my mom. And then I'm thinking,"This is it. This is the time to order the onion rings! And jalapeno poppers!"  The waitress could sense the hesitant look on my face, so she asked,"Anything else you want?". "Yea I want those darn good looking onion rings!" But no, I didn't say that. Instead I asked,"Do you have the jalapeno poppers?" And she said,"No, we don't sell them in a daily basis anymore. It's a seasonal thing now." And I'm vaguely said,"Hm... I really want onion rings." She said,"They are so good!". To which I replied,"Yeah, they are very good, but they are so bad for our health, high cholesterol." She admitted,"That is true."

In the end, she tally up the total meal I've ordered, which is only the 3 burgers. I said no to myself!!! I'm thinking,"Do I really need these onion rings to add another pound to my body? Plus another reason to clog the artery to my heart with additional deep fried oils? These burgers are not really the healthiest thing on earth already!"

I'm so proud at myself when I walking down to my car with the carry-out food. As I driving home, I keep praising myself, "Good job, Peggy! You said no to yourself and trying to stay healthy!" I guess at this point I have no clue as when I can enjoy onion rings again. Too bad. I really like them! Maybe I can eat them on my birthday.... which is still months away, hahaha!

Once you said no to yourself, the next one got easier.

I just realized that this onion ring thing is actually my 2nd time saying no to myself. Earlier in the morning, I went to Safeway to get some chicken noodle soup and Day Quill for my husband (poor hubby, he is sick). As I'm going there, I kept thinking that I should bring home Safeway Chinese to me and my mom. Their food is so delicious! But I know I shouldn't do that, because I already made plan to make pesto noodle with corn and mushroom.  I have some pesto sauce I need to finish and plus I already bought those egg noodle, corn, and mushroom.

Homemade food vs restaurant food. If I'm being lazy, of course restaurant food wins. You don't need to prep, cook, and wash the pots and pans. Homemade food is so laborious, but it keep your money in your wallet. Homemade food is more economical rather than restaurant food in general.

So after I bought what I need for my hubby, I just walk straight to my car, not even trying to look at Safeway Chinese menu selection. I was so proud of myself. "Peggy, you said no to yourself! Instead of buying Safeway Chinese, you keep those $11 in your wallet and just make the pesto noodle with corn & mushroom for free!!!" Well, technically is not free, it's already been prepaid the other day when I went grocery shopping. But still, it would be too easy to just give in to Safeway Chinese lunch rather than stay committed to the menu plan I already have in hand.

Don't worry Safeway Chinese, I eventually will buy your delicious orange chicken with half lo mein half fried rice on the side one day! Just not today! :)

Saying no to myself feels so good. I feel I can conquer my self! It takes discipline and self-determination. And the truth is, it wasn't easy. So when you can say no and walk away from it, you feel like a winner. Wow, this feels good! :)

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