Tuesday, April 03, 2018

10 Reasons Why You'll Be Successful

1. You don't complain.
Other people might complaining about anything, but not you! You just do your work until it's finished. You go home to your family and spend quality time with them. You hang out with good friends and uplifting each other. You never complain, instead you give encouragement to others!

2. You don't compare yourself with other people.
You never see yourself in someone's else life. You just focus on you. While others might compare each other and try to keep up with the Joneses, you only compete with yourself. What can I do to make this year better than last year? Other people's success has nothing to do with you, so why bother? You are your own success story!

3. You're not afraid of hard work.
Hard work is your middle name. You wake up every morning, striving to complete list of things you need to do, because you understand of the works that need to be done. You are responsible and you are the provider of your family. You are not lazy, you are diligent. You accept responsibility and carry it like your battle scar!

4. You don't care what other people think of you.
You know that other people's opinion of you is none of your business. You can only control you, so you never worry about what others might think of you. You do the best and feel accomplished of your achievements, no matter what other people say. Compliments don't get to your head, and insults don't bring you down. Only your opinion of you matter the most.

5. You don't give up.
You are resilient. You continue to push yourself until you get to your goal. You are not a quitter, never was and never will. When stuck to a problem, your creative side will bring out the best of you. You are good under pressure. It makes you think outside the box. You just don't stop until you get to your finish line.

6. You learn from your mistakes.
You admit that sometimes you make mistakes. Instead of running away from your mistakes, you learn from it and try to do a better job next time. You're not too stubborn to unwillingly ignore it, instead, you're using your mistakes as your stepping stone. Try and try again. You're a good student!

7. You think positive.
You always see the silver lining. You think and feel positively every single day, every single moment. You avoid negative thinking like a plague, because you know that an ounce of negative thinking could drain and suck away your energy. You use positive words, uplifting and encouraging words, and you never afraid to spread that sunshine of yours. You are one of the most positive person that your friends ever known, and no wonder they always look up to your support!

8. You are a do-er.
If you want to get something done, you will do it. You are a firm believer that doing is better than talking.You let the result of your hard work do the talk for you. You are not a NATO person. NATO = No Action Talk Only. You walk the talk.

9. You change to the better.
You know that you can always be better. You don't regret your yesterdays, but you see yourself keep improving for today, tomorrow, and the future. You're perfecting your skills, and constantly learning new things. You are not afraid of change. Instead, you are using change to make yourself better. You shred out old habits that won't get you anywhere, and start developing new habits that will bring you closer to your next success level. You are evolving.

10. You read this blog.
You want to be successful and stay successful. That's why you're reading this blog, right? You have the inner motivation to be better. As long you're expanding your knowledge by reading books, articles, blogs, and any material that will give you information and motivation to be a better person, you will be successful. You will feel your growth. Only you can stop yourself. Only you can make yourself keep running. Only you in control of you. So keep pursuing your goals, perfecting your craft, and never ever give up! You got this!


Chris W said...

Suprised to read this and finding your name on it. I've read it again carefully to remind myself which point I still need to focus on. Thanks Peg, have a great day!

Peggy Sanders said...

Thank you, Chris! Glad to share it with you. This is a good reminder for myself, too! :)