Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Rich Mindset

Dan Lok's podcast tells it all :

1. Poor people watch TV, rich people read books.
2. Poor people get paid based on time, rich people get paid based on results.
3. Poor people blame others for their misfortunes, rich people take responsibility for our own failures.
4. Poor people focus on saving, rich people focus on investing.
5. Poor people think they know it all, rich people continuously learn.
6. Poor people believe that money is the root of all evil, rich people believe that poverty is the root of all evil.
7. Poor people have a lottery mentality, rich people have an action mentality.

This is what Brian Tracy call it the Wealth Mindset.

For me, the rich or wealth mindset comes from the principle of abundance. Instead of thinking of scarcity, think of abundance. See some areas that you already "rich". What do you have a lot right now?

When I moved from my house to my apartment, I didn't realize that I was rich in ... hangers! I have like millions hangers!! Well, I came from a family of four adults, with their own clothes and hangers. And suddenly now I am a family of 1, inherit all those hangers, hahahaa!! But you get my point. See an area where you have a lot, and you are "rich" in that particular area.

Now obviously we live in this planet earth. As long you live here, and not in Mars, the standard of "rich" is define as a materialistic ones, aka money and possession. But seriously, you don't have to have a lot of money or possession to feel rich. Money and stuff are indicators of how well you are in life. You worked so hard but nothing to show it? Well, then use your money wisely. So this way in the future finally you have something to show it!

To want to be rich, first we have to have the right mindset first. Have the rich mindset, then do what the rich do. Learn what the rich learn. Live how the rich live. Most rich people they actually being frugal, use coupons, and they live under their means. They use their resources wisely. So all start with having the right attitude and mindset of becoming rich.

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