Monday, July 25, 2005

The story of the Hunter and the Bear

In one fine day, there's a hunter who wants to hunt a bear to have a nice warm fur coat. As he walks & looking around, suddenly he found a bear to shoot! A big bear! And when the hunter was about to click his gun.... suddenly.... the bear starts to speak,"Mr.Hunter.. please don't shoot! What do you want? Let's sit down here & compromise..."

The hunter starts to think,"Hm, this bear is pretty amazing, he can talk. Not any bear can talk... okay, I think I'll sit with him and see what he wants. Maybe I can capture him and sell him to a circus. They'll pay more for a talking bear I bet."

They sit together.

Bear : What do you want?

Hunter : I want a fur coat

Bear : Good.. i want my stomach full.

Well.. after long hours of discussion & talks, finally the agreement met its final decision. Compromise deal! The bear got its stomach full & the hunter got his fur coat. End of the story.
(For you who doesn't understand the end : the bear ate the hunter, and the hunter is inside the bear now having bear's fur coat surround him)

Morale of the story : NEVER COMPROMISE! Don't compromise with anything bad, evil, or up to not good. Always strive to be good!

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