Friday, July 15, 2005

Weight Management Principles

1. Weight Loss

A well balanced diet for good nutrition contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, minerals, and water
the weight loss should be gradual-no more than 2 lb a week
the caloric intake should be at least 1200 kcal/day, and the caloric deficit should not exceed 1000kcal/day
a caloric deficit of 3500 kcal is needed to lose 1 lb of fat
weight loss should be due to loss of fat rather than lean body tissue
on the same diet, a taller, heavier person will lose a weight at a faster rate than a shorter, lighter person due to high resting metabolic rate
weight loss rate decreases over time, because the difference between the caloric intake and caloric needs get smaller as one losses weight
men lose weight faster than woman due to a higher rest metabolic rate
the individual should eat at least 3 meals a day
quick weight loss diets, diet pills, and appetite suppressants should be avoided
carnitine supplementation does not promote body fat loss
compulsive eating behaviours should be identified and modified

2. Exercise

the major cause of obesity is lack of physical activity, not overeating
for fat-weight loss, aerobic exercises should br performed daily or twice daily
resistance exercises training is excellent for maintaining fat free mass
exercise helps create a caloric deficit by increasing caloric expenditure
exercise is better than dieting for maximizing fat loss and minimizing lean tissue loss
compared to fat, muscle tissue is more metabolically active and uses more calories at rest
low-intensity, longer duration exercises maximizes total energy expenditure better than high-intensity, shorter duration exercise
rest metabolic rate remains elevated 30 mins or longer after vigorous exercise
at a given rate, the more physically fit individual expends calories at a faster rate than the less fit individual
exercise does not increase appetite
passive exercises (eg.vibrators and sauna belts) do not massage away excess fat
spot reduction exercises do not preferentially mobilize subcutaneous fat stored near the exercising muscle
to increase caloric expenditure, avoid using labor saving devices at home and work

People can win the battle of controlling weight and obesity by not only understanding why they eat and monitoring their food intake closely, but also by incorporating more physical activity into their lifestyles.

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