Friday, November 10, 2006

Respect all heroes

In our daily job, failure means: customer don't want to buy our products, customer get angry at us, boss not satisfied with this year's profit, too many complaints in a day, we don't get a raise for next year, bonus are cut due to tardiness, competitor get orders twice than us, etc.

Then suddenly, I realize this one fact. The word failure in our profession is overlooked as the self-failure, where we look stupid, slow, and not successful. In certain profession, failure has its own meaning. 

Ok, let me explain this.

I just saw CNN (while waiting for Lloyd finish work and pick me up at my office). CNN shows, "HEROES", where they detailed all US Armies personnel who had passed away in Iraq war. There are one personnel which really touch my heart. Her name is Emily Perez, a black woman who was stylish, chic, always smile, and had lots of friends. Her service in Iraq is as one of medical team, her age was only 23 years old. Unfortunately, she is one of the hero who died because her truck where she transported the medical equipment was bombed! Very tragic.

When her military funeral was shown, my mind race up and I thought: the word failure to these military soldiers means death. Pain. Loose their limb. And ironically, they obviously left so many families who will never hear their laugh forever. Wow. This fact wakes me up.

After all this time, when I felt "fail", I feel that I'm the most stupidest person in the whole world. But which one is more important? Stupid or alive?

So next time you feel fail, be thankful that you still have breath to enjoy this beautiful life. And be thankful that your families and friend can still hear you say,"I love you.. thank you for being in my life".

Respect all heroes.


Dalam pekerjaan kita sehari2, kata gagal berarti : pembeli nggak mau membeli produk kita, pembeli marah2x sama kita, boss gak puas dengan profit tahun ini, terlalu banyak complain dalam satu hari, kita gak dapat kenaikan gaji untuk tahun depan, komisi dipotong gara2 kita telat masuk kantor, pesaing mendapatkan order dua kali lipat lebih banyak, dan lain2x...

Tapi tiba2 pikiran gue disadarkan oleh satu fakta ini. Kata gagal dalam profesi kita terlihat sebagai suatu cerminan diri pribadi, dimana kita tampak bodoh, lamban, & tidak berhasil. Dalam beberapa profesi tertentu, kata gagal memiliki maknanya sendiri. 

Oke... let me explain this.

Kebetulan barusan gue nonton CNN (sperti biasa, sembari nunggu Lloyd kelar kerja & jemput gue di kantor gue). Tayangan di CNN berjudul "HEROES", di mana mereka mengupas abis smua personil2 US Army yang meninggal di Irak semenjak terjadi perang di sana. Ada salah satu personil yang sangat menyentuh hati gue. Namanya Emily Perez, seorang wanita kulit hitam yang berpenampilan menarik, sangat modis, selalu tersenyum, dan punya banyak teman. Dia ini service US Army di Irak sebagai salah satu team medical, umurnya baru 23 tahun. Sayang sekali... dia termasuk salah satu pejuang yang meninggal karena truk dimana dia menumpang utk mengangkut medical equipment dibom! Aih, tragis sekali.

Waktu ditayangkan pemakamannya secara militer, terbesit di benak gue suatu pikiran ini : kata gagal bagi para perwira2x militer ini, berarti kematian. Luka. Kehilangan anggota badan. Dan ironisnya, tentu mereka meninggalkan banyak sanak keluarga yang mungkin gak bakalan denger tawa mereka lagi selama2nya. Wow. Kenyataan ini membuat gue terhenyak.

Selama ini kalo gue merasa "gagal", rasanya tuh gue orang paling bloon sedunia.. tapi, lebih penting mana.. bloon atau hidup?

Jadi lain kali kalian merasa gagal... bersyukurlah kalian masih punya nafas utk menikmati hidup yang indah ini, dan bersyukurlah keluarga & teman2 kalian masih bisa mendengar kalian berkata "I love you.. thank you for being in my life..."

Hormatilah mereka yang berjasa...

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