Monday, October 23, 2006

Sitting Quietly in a Coffee Corner

Here I am... sitting in the corner of Starbucks Coffee at Washington Square Mall, 4.30 pm, waiting my husband to come and pick me up after he finish work. Mellow jazzy song is teasing me softly while I zapping my green tea latte, thinking about how drastic the change of my well-being. 4 to 5 years ago, I will never thought that this is the life that I will have. Don't get me wrong.... I love it! Every bit of it!

As I look through the window I saw many cars parked in a very big huge spacious parking lot. The parking lot itself is mixed between giant trees and beautiful scenery over flying highway I-5. And don't forget, this is fall season. I see some leaves of high standing trees change colors to red, purple, fuschia, and yellow. Very very soothing. So beautiful.

Gee.......... 5 years ago... all I saw in Sudirman street was full of tall buildings, and macetness (I'd rather not translate macet to traffic jam because it's already a word!) But now... totally different view. Clear blue skies with a little dazzling cumulus clouds, people walking across the stress, children running in a cozy free-smoking environment. This make me think again about my past, my families in Indonesia, my old friends, ... how I want to go back to myself few years ago! I really love what I am today, but there's always a tiny part of me screaming,"I wanna go home!"

I kept asking questions to myself : Am I be ever able to go back home? I star blankly at my cup of Fruit, Yogurt, & Granola Parfait. (Does Starbucks Indo have one of these? These are awesome!!!!!!) I never can answer that (answer when I can go home, not answer is there any parfait or not!). I guess we'll just wait and see what happen next. As I love living in United States, I also miss live in Indo. I do really glad I grew up in Indo. =)

Well.... since I still don't know what my future may hold, I mind as well continue on my sudoku puzzle. This one is tough. I've been working this sudoku for the past 15 minutes just to finish one square! Gosh! While scrapping the last pieces of my parfait, I think about what will I make up for dinner. At least I can think of this now. Maybe a sausage sandwich with oniony coleslaw lettuce. Hopefully Lloyd (my hubby) will like it. Whenever Lloyd likes my cooking, I felt like I've just won a million bucks! Another funny things that I never imagine will happen after married...

And now this is sunset. How very peaceful can it be? I look at the window again & I just saw a pair of birds chirping around, a mommy strolling her kids, & a nice Honda sedan just passed by to out of to mall. Some things are mend to be viewed.. just like now. Viewing nothing. Or viewing life? Left me a feeling of secure, warm, and peace of mind. Time really flies when you have fun (although now my friends at Indo will laugh at me for describing SITTING QUIETLY IN A COFFEE CORNER as fun!) Totally opposite of what I pictured fun when I was in Indo!!!

As it gets darker & darker outside, I felt a lil bit chilly here. Ah, I forget... summer is gone. The air conditioner here is the same temperature as an hour ago, but perhaps the grey scenery outside make me kinda blue. I smile at myself, I never think my life will be like this. I'm on top of the world.

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