Thursday, March 19, 2015

10th Years Wedding Anniversary

It was our 10th years wedding anniversary last week.

Wow - is it a decade already?

My husband, me, and my mother celebrated it in Petra House Restaurant - a Mediterranean cuisine for this occasion.  Nothing fancy, just simple down-to-earth get-together.  And the food were definitely yummy! :)

So what this 10 years journey means for me?  I truly feel blessed and lucky to have a husband as my dearest one.  Why?

1. He is patient.
2. He is funny.
3. He cares.
4. He fixed broken things.
5. He is peaceful.
6. He is simple.
7. He is smart.
8. He is strong.
9. He is handsome.
10. He loves me!

I love my husband just the way he is, and I'm happy that he accepts me just the way I am.  What a lovely marriage it is to be in! ♥

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