Thursday, April 02, 2015

Sims 3 : Purchase Vacation Homes

Sims 3 ! ♥♥♥

I'm a huge fan of Sims games, ever since the beginning of the original Sims 1, then Sims 2, and Sims 3 now.  Yes, I know Sims 4 has been out there for a while, but I'm still having fun playing Sims 3 and although I've been playing Sims 3 for about 3-4 years, I continue finding and experiencing new things, which make me still want to "man the game".

I have to admit that bugs and glitches are part of my Sims 3 life.  And after several trial and errors, researching via Sims Community Forums, and other walkthroughs, I pretty much sum it up to the below points to help enhance our gaming experience:

1. Always "Save As" in new file game.

2. After you have several files, o let's say more than 5 files, delete the previous old files.  Don't delete all, at least leave 2 or 3 copies.  Just in case your current game glitches, you can at least start from your freshest files or the last 2 or 3 files.

3.  Try to keep your household to be under 4 people if you can.  Less file to maintain.

By implementing the steps above, now my Sims upload the game very fast.  In the past, it took me 15-20 minutes to load, but now it's about 100 seconds!  That means it's also faster in saving and faster in travelling (since it has to upload another world).

And that lead us into the fun part : vacation!

With save, upload, and travel time reduced from 15-20 minutes to just about 1.5-3 minutes, my sims can easily travel back and forth and having max level 3 visa easily for all 3 countries : Shang Sim-La (China), Al Simhara (Egypt), Champs Le Sims (France).  Once you have max level 3 visa for all those places, you can purchase vacation home.  Another cool feature that you don't want to forget is to buy Certificate of Partnership for each countries (can be bought with Ancient Coins - and you'll get these easily by completing Adventure Quests and/or loot in Treasure Chests inside tombs/pyramids). The Certificate of Partnership can prolong your vacation time to the max days possible. :)

Now buying vacation homes, that also means we need simoleon, right?  Some homes are less than 100k, and of course there's the lavish one above 100k (In Champs Le Sims, there's one for 318k!).  It would take forever for my sims family to work, work, work and afford to buy just 1 home.  With 3 vacations spots, that means I want to have 3 vacation homes!  So here's my "strategy" (not cheat mode!  just another way to get it faster):

1. When starting a fresh game from the start, I chose rich family (duh, it's already there - why work harder? hehe).  Rich family of just a husband and wife, with a big house.  Ensure you include "sell furniture" to increase the sale price.

2.  Sell the house and move them to a small house.  This way I have big simoleon savings to begin with. Ka-ching!

3.  Start buying businesses with the savings.  Remember, they yield dividend income that you can collect every Monday, ... as long as you have the businesses.  Talk about passive income! :)

4. Have the husband and wife work & thriving with their careers.  Especially the wife.  Eventually when she reach high level of profession (8,9,10), when she pregnant, she'll still get paid big bucks while on maternity leave.  Very cool, huh?  And eventually when they both retired, they'll bring home retirement income in daily basis.  Nice!

5. When the wife is almost at level 8,9,10 in her profession (I choose 10 of course, max maternity benefit in simoleon), have her befriend a vampire, and when they're pretty close, have the vampire bite her by "offer to turn".  After the bites, wait few days until she became full vampire.  Then "try baby" with her husband, get preggy, then bam, you have a vampire baby.  Not instantly, since vampire baby are just normal kids until their teenager age done.  The vampire kid will become full vampire when they reach young adult.  At this point, it's up to you if you want to turn the wife back to human.  If you want, simply "Purchase Vampirism Cure" in Science Laboratory.  It's only 3000 simoleon.

6.  Now their kid will be the one that have all the adventure traits & wish list!  Now you ask me, why vampire?  Well, vampire lives longer than human.  Since it would take time and effort to fulfill the wish list "Max Level 3 Visa in All Vacation Place" - or something like that, I choose vampire type to complete this.  Vampire kid will also max skills in few minutes.  Writing 10 minutes - bam, level 10! Painting a medium picture for the first time - bam, level 10!  Imagine the possibility!

7.  Vampire kid turns to teenager, that means they can start travel (with their parents) and start doing Adventure quests!  Our first trip was to Egypt, because there's the high tech camera cannon that they can buy, and my vampire kid can start builing photography skills right way (and of course max it in just few clicks without any problem).  While my teenager vampire collecting photos, keep them, don't sell it yet.  Later on when he/she become adult, I have the vampire choose Photographer profession, and then "sell all photos" - and again, bam! Level 10 Photographer.  Sweet!

8.  Having the vampire teen start doing adventure quests early means they can build up their level 3 visa quicker, without the hassle of building up skills needed for job/profession.  The parents can enjoy vacation whatever they want while the vamp doing quests.

9.  Vampire teen eventually turn into vampire young adult.  And if your vampire young adult exceed level 3 visa, then go ahead buy the vacation home from phone!  By now, hopefully your household have enough simoleon to purchase them houses!  Remember: high level professions earned income (or daily retirement income when parents retired), passive income dividends from businesses, and sell celebrity rewards if any.  It's easy to become celebrity - just mingle with one of them!

10.  Some businesses (especially "property" type) might need to be upgraded.  So try to level up your property to max level 3, in order to obtain the highest dividend income.

Well, hope this strategy helps.  Now, let's play Sims 3!  Enjoy!

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