Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pelajaran Berharga

Kemaren ada kejadian luar biasa. Banyak hikmahnya. Dan membuatku merenung dan ambil pelajaran2x berharga.

Jadi ceritanya gini.  Aku dan suami sudah on the way home, skitar jam setengah sebelas malam. Tiba-tiba ada suara kayak DOR.  Aku bingung dan nanya suami,"Kamu denger, nggak?"  Dan gak berapa lama kemudian,  ban belakang sebelah kiri kempes seolah2 kena paku.  Alamaak!

Nah, terus mau nggak mau ya kita stop di pinggir jalan.  Bingung, gimana ganti ban, soalnya kita nggak punya ban serep (mobil zaman sekarang nggak nyediain ban serep, adanya cuma satu kotak kecil untuk mompa gas, dimana gue & misua kaga ngerti gimana cara makenya.)  Alhasil kita akhirnya mutusin untuk nelpon nomor darurat 911.  Mana batere telpon udah cenat cenut pula, alias tinggal 5 watt.... haiyah! >_<

Sementara suami lagi berusaha kontek 911 (minta bantuan roadside assistance), mendadak ada orang asing ngetok kaca jendela.  Mungkin dia berusaha jadi good samaritan kali?  Tapi instingku berkata lain. Suara hati bilang, "Jangan percaya sama orang ini!".  Susah ngejelasinnya, pokoknya nggak feel good deh sama orang ini.  Dia berusaha untuk menolong kita ganti ban.  Pake acara keluarin toolboxnya dia segala.  Tapi dia nggak berhasil ganti ban kita, entah kenapa.

Aku kasih kode lagi untuk suamiku telp 911 lagi, dan kali ini mereka bilang mereka akan kirim mobil patrol.  (Berarti polisi dong? hore!!).  Dan beneran aza, nggak berapa lama kemudian, mobil polisi tiba.  Baru sekali ini aku ngeliat polisi dan langsung bernafas lega.   Polisinya wanita berbadan tegap bernama K.Gibson.  Aku tanya,"Bisa nggak kamu stay?".  Tadinya aku pikir dia setuju2 aja, tapi ternyata responnya dia aku nggak nyangka!  Dia cuma nanya satu kata gini: "Why?" Waduh!  Gelagapan jawab, jadinya aku nggak bisa jawab...

Nah, mungkin bu polwan ini kasian kali ngeliat kita luntang lantung kayak orang digantung, jadinya doi cuma nasihat gini,"Sudahlah, masuk mobil kamu sana, naikin jendela, kunci pintu, dan tunggu sampe tow trucknya dateng."  Ya wes, abis itu kita ya nurut saja sama nasihat beliau.  Padahal hati gue jadi dag dig dug lagi. Getar getir mikirin kalo ni polisi mungkin bakalan pulang dan ninggalin kita sendirian.  Ihik!

Oke, sekitar setengah jam kemudian, akhirnya tow truck yang ditunggu2x dateng juga.  Horeeeee! Gila, seneng bangeth deh gue!  Mana udah jam 12 malem, dan hp udah mati total.  Drivernya muda, namanya Nick.   Sementara itu, orang asing nggak dikenal yang sok nawarin bantuan tapi berniat jahat (maybe? I don't know, looks suspicious, sih!) ngelewes2x pergi mundur teratur.  Terus, tiba2x aku denger suara di sebelah kiriku,"You guys are so lucky.  Jangan percaya anyone!"  Eeeeh, ternyata ibu polisi Gibson udah kembali!  & Ternyata Madam Gibson kenal sama Nick the driver ini!!  Hatiku jadi damai tentram.

Akhirnya setelah semua urusan tetek bengek kelar,  kita smua berpisah dan pulang ke rumah masing2x.  Phew!

Pelajaran berhargaku:
1. Asuransi mobil langsung harus ditambah dengan feature Roadside Assistance!  Supaya lain kali nggak makan waktu lama kayak gini dei...
2. Jangan percaya sama orang asing yang pura2 baek.  Selalu percaya insting!  Always count on it!
3. Pulang ya jangan malem2... *kalo bisa*

Ya gitu deh cerita kali ini.  Semoga bermanfaat.

3 Persona

Did you know that you have 3 personality types?  It applies to everyone.  What are they?

1. Past Self
Past Self is your self in the past.  It's history.  What's done is done.  This is your collections of your success, failures, and all activities leading to it.  Past Self could bolster your next steps into the right direction, and vice versa.  Past Self could imprisoned you if you don't let go of guilt and dwell too much on "mistakes".  Instead, look at it as a practice field to refine your skill.  After all, practice makes perfect.  The good news is, by reconnecting with Past Self, you can always look back at how determined you were to achieve your goal in time of trial and tribulations.  Look at it as a rear view mirror.  Just occasionally check to see how far you've grown!

2. Present Self
Present Self is your self in the present.  In the now.  If life is illustrated as a journey going from point A to point B, this is your point A. Be in the present. Be aware of your surrounding.  You never know when opportunity knocks.  Although discipline in daily grind is important, but "stop-and-smell-the-roses" attitude will help you appreciate your condition right now.  Present Self is also the busy bee. Present Self do things that must be done, or lack of thereof. So?  Get it done.

3. Future Self
Future Self is your self in the future.  You're not there yet, but eventually will be there.  This is your point B.  This is your finish line and/or multiple checkpoints.  Future Self will often time caught being thankful to the Past Self and Present Self, when the Present Self finally arrive in their destination and hitting their goal.  Future Self eventually become Present Self on the destination day.

So which one is important?

The truth is, all of them are important.

You need your Past Self to remind you your history,  to not repeat the same mistake twice (Mistake is okay, but don't repeat it again.  Learn from it!)

You need your Present Self to do things that have been planned by your Past Self.  And prepare your next stop for the sake of your future.

You need your Future Self to constantly draw you to the better place.  Keep going.  Eyes on target.

All these 3 personality types work cohesively together and form the most important thing that matter. YOU.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

1st Violin Lesson

Here we go!

Now I can mark this off from my bucket list! :)

Friday, May 08, 2015

3 Points of Success

1. Success is not a birthright
Nobody born as a successful person right away.  I've never heard of "successful baby".  Success is not something to be inherited.  And definitely not genetic.  I found in my studies that success is a trait.  A skill.  Successful people came from various background: rich and poor, school-smart and street-smart, young and old, any type of gender, race, and all other types of diversity.   Because it's a skill, that means it is something that can be learn, practiced, and refined with time and experiences.

2. Success is not exclusive
It is not mutually exclusive to certain trades, profession, or socioeconomic status.  I used to think of terms "successful businessman" as something to aim for.  Like if you have your own business (versus working in a company), then you must be successful.  But in reality, it doesn't work that way.  There are unsuccessful businessman too.  There are successful employee too.  With that term in mind, that means success is not really belong to a special elite club.  It is a condition where a person able to reach their goals in a strategic manner, applied to any status they hold.  And yes, that includes successful housewife and mother too!

3. Success is relative
Success is defined by your perspective.  It is not an absolute, it's a relative.  My success standards might be different than yours, and that's fine.  A success achievement for a musician is different than what success means for movie producers, or high school teacher, or a park ranger.  And the funny thing is, what we defined as success five years ago, could be evolving into something entirely different now.  Our environment may change, especially in this digital revolution age!  What seems important back then, might not be necessarily the same now.  We continuously adjust, adapt, and alter our success measurement as our condition changes.

For me, success means progressive actions to the betterment.  Keep moving towards the goal I set up, not just moving in motion towards nowhere.

Just what my dearest mama always said to me every morning before I go to work,"Sukses ya!" (Indonesian translation: Be successful, ok!), I will depart with you now with a wish: Have a successful day!