Friday, May 08, 2015

3 Points of Success

1. Success is not a birthright
Nobody born as a successful person right away.  I've never heard of "successful baby".  Success is not something to be inherited.  And definitely not genetic.  I found in my studies that success is a trait.  A skill.  Successful people came from various background: rich and poor, school-smart and street-smart, young and old, any type of gender, race, and all other types of diversity.   Because it's a skill, that means it is something that can be learn, practiced, and refined with time and experiences.

2. Success is not exclusive
It is not mutually exclusive to certain trades, profession, or socioeconomic status.  I used to think of terms "successful businessman" as something to aim for.  Like if you have your own business (versus working in a company), then you must be successful.  But in reality, it doesn't work that way.  There are unsuccessful businessman too.  There are successful employee too.  With that term in mind, that means success is not really belong to a special elite club.  It is a condition where a person able to reach their goals in a strategic manner, applied to any status they hold.  And yes, that includes successful housewife and mother too!

3. Success is relative
Success is defined by your perspective.  It is not an absolute, it's a relative.  My success standards might be different than yours, and that's fine.  A success achievement for a musician is different than what success means for movie producers, or high school teacher, or a park ranger.  And the funny thing is, what we defined as success five years ago, could be evolving into something entirely different now.  Our environment may change, especially in this digital revolution age!  What seems important back then, might not be necessarily the same now.  We continuously adjust, adapt, and alter our success measurement as our condition changes.

For me, success means progressive actions to the betterment.  Keep moving towards the goal I set up, not just moving in motion towards nowhere.

Just what my dearest mama always said to me every morning before I go to work,"Sukses ya!" (Indonesian translation: Be successful, ok!), I will depart with you now with a wish: Have a successful day!

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