Monday, April 27, 2015

Divergent Professions

For the last fifteen years, I've been working in the financial industry.  I've done jobs that most people prefer to avoid, like sales or being a debt collector.  What I've imagined  back then when I was just a fresh grad from campus to my condition now, is somewhat different. I always want a career in banking industry, and I thought the ladder will be vertical, but instead I've gained various experiences in a divergent way.  Why?  Because it's all different experiences, and it's expanding.

I started my professional experience being a broker-trader for a commodity index exchange market. It was challenging and I truly learned a lot from it.  Then I became assistant manager, then junior manager, then back to business consultant again so I can finish my studies and get my degree.

Next, my journey brought me into the world of direct sales.  Cold-calls, door-to-door, canvasing business offices, you name it.  I've sold traditional and modern banking products, including investments and insurance.  I enjoyed it.  It's truly helped me getting rid the fear of talking with strangers, and enhanced my communication skills.

Then I became personal banker.  Maintained my customer's wealth portfolio for retail, premium, and priority banking.  I love this job.  I like visiting my clients and getting personal touch at their lives. Whenever there's new products or services, I can't wait to tell all my clients about it, because I want them to get the first dip of the benefit.  This one is my second most favorite career ever!  (Why second? Keep on reading, save the best for last!).  I get to meet hundreds and hundreds people with diverse backgrounds, as customers, peers, bosses, and beyond.  Great people with various experience. Truly a humbling experience for me.

Then, sales manager.  Sell! Sell! Sell!  But wait, there's more.  I have an army this time.  An army of outstanding goal-oriented people with high motivation and full spirit to achieve our target!  I love it!

My adventure did not stop there.  I moved to a new country, and start from the beginning again. I still stick with banking, so I decided to start as a teller.  I was very nervous before the job interview that I've made my husband trained me to test me the difference between the coins!

After that, I became a debt collector in a call center.  It's definitely a new environment for me, but I adapted.  It was a challenging job and I don't know how I survived back then.  But I did my time and get more experiences out of it.  My teams and managers were fun and great people.

Next stop, operations.  I got behind the screen and getting new experiences as business support. Some call it ops desk, some call it analyst, some call it auditor, some call it scheduling.  It does have many names.  I like to think that this is the all you can eat buffet type of job.  I like it!  Really really like it!

Moving on, I got deeper into the world of monitoring call center in a bigger scope.  I want to call this job:  "The Watcher".   The coolest job I've ever had. My favorite one by far!  Watching the universe. Everyday is new experience, can't be bored!  I also really like the company and believe in it's values. I trust the way this company is headed.  I like how they do business.  I admire my leaders.  This is not a lip service, but I'm just confessing the truth. Maybe I need a separate blog for this specific one! For sure, this job makes me believe again in banking business.  I definitely love it!

My career journey took me to places I've never imagined before, but I think it's more interesting this way.  There's more twist and turns than what I've expected.  I don't know what I will have in the future, but whatever it is, it will surely add more value to my experience.

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