Friday, July 17, 2015

Wisdom of the day

The older I get, the happier I am.  Weird.  When I was younger, I somewhat afraid to be older. As if being older is something I want to avoid of. But somehow, age gets the better of me. I somehow (and hopefully) become wiser and humbler. I admit that I don't know everything, and still willing to learn things that excite me, or peek my curiosity.

To sum it up, I only have 3 simple wish I have in life:
1. I want to be happy.
2. I want to always be healthy.
3. I want to be wiser.

Success and wealth are important too, but being in a state of mind of happy and contentment are something that I can always have in any age level. No matter how old (or young) I am. Bob Marley once sang,"Don't Worry Be Happy!"

Health is another point of view. No matter how much money I have in the world, nothing can buy life. Yes you can prolong your life by keeping healthy habit, take vitamins, and exercise. But eventually, we all going to die at some point. So having a healthy life till the end is a priority to me. At least if I die, I want it not because I have certain disease or something.

Lastly, wisdom. This, I found, I can only get by age. Doesn't mean I have to be older. Learning from those who had walk before me. Like learning from my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and all those who have more seniority than me. One thing for sure, wisdom is something that I will always pursue.

I guess it's true what a wise man once said. "The more I learn, the more I know that I know nothing."

That's ok. As long as I'm happy, healthy, and getting wiser each day. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tidur dengan pria lain?

Suatu hari seorang pria bertanya kepada tiga orang wanita yang sudah menikah.

Pria: Maukah anda tidur dengan pria lain kalau anda dibayar satu juta dollar?

Nyonya A: Tentu saja.  Bahkan saya akan berikan bonus satu malam lagi.

Nyonya B: Sudah pasti, siapa yang tidak mau satu juta dollar.  Bahkan keesokan paginya saya akan bilang pada pria itu kalau saya sebetulnya bersedia tidur gratis dengan dia!

Nyonya C: Iya saya mau, kalau nama pria itu adalah Tuan C, suami saya.

Pria: Kamu tidak mengerti pertanyaan ini.  Pertanyaannya adalah apakah kamu mau tidur dengan pria lain, yang artinya bukan suami kamu sendiri.

Nyonya C: Saya mengerti pertanyaan anda.  Anda tidak mengerti jawaban saya.  Saya hanya mau tidur dengan suami saya sendiri.

Pria: Kenapa begitu?

Nyonya C: Mudah saja.  Saya bisa tidur tanpa satu juta dollar.  Saya nggak bisa tidur tanpa suami saya.

Pria dan dua nyonya yang lain: ...

Kesetiaan seorang istri tidak ada harganya.  Berbahagialah Tuan C punya istri yang tidak bisa dibeli dengan satu juta dollar!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


"I'm a very busy person."

"Busy doing what?"

"Busy relaxing."


Have a good day/night everyone! :D

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Which Type of Glass?

In my previous blog,"Why Half-Glass Perspective Is Important", I outlined the pros and cons of having both point of view.

Now here's a question for you.  Which type of glass would you like to have?
a) Full glass
b) Half glass
c) Empty glass

I think the answer for this answer will depend on the context.  What's the context?  There are situation that required either full, half, or empty glass.  If you're thirsty, of course you choose full glass.  But if you're fulfilled, then there's no point of having a full glass.  Unless if you predict you can't get refill! :)

Either way, understanding the context of situation you're in will help you determine which type of glass you need.  Have a good day!