Tuesday, August 30, 2016

7 Ways to Simplify Your Life

1. Hire help
Don't be too frugal. If you need to hire someone to fix your things, rather than do it yourself, then do it. If you don't know how to fix it, attempt to fix it, and it got worse, then it'll be more expensive to replace it. If you don't have time nor the willingness to let's say... mow your lawn, then hire a gardener to do it. He/she probably will do a better job than you anyway in mowing your lawn & making your garden beautiful. That will free your time and energy on doing tasks that can be delegate to someone else.

2. Do one thing at a time
We all know that multitask is a very bad thing. Yes you can multi task, but normally the result will be better when you try to do one thing at a time. The focus and energy you put into finishing one task are better invested compared if you try to juggle four, five things at the same time.

3. Take a message
If you're that busy, don't answer the phone. Finish what you need to do first. If that phone call is that important, they'll leave a message. And you can answer it after you finish your task. Doing this will help you minimize interruption and let you concentrate on what you're doing right now.

4. Don't obsess over cleanliness
Clean your house, car, desk, room, but you don't need to over clean it. If it's already clean, then good! Leave it be. You only have 24 hours in a day, time is limited. There are more important things to do rather than obsessing in cleaning. Plus, you'll need to clean it again in a week or so anyway.

5. Prioritize
Plan, plan, plan. Plan your day. Plan your night. Plan your meal. Plan your finances. Prioritize what's the most important to the least important. Set a goal. You'll get nowhere if you just go with the flow. Prioritizing put an emphasis on what must be done first, put tasks in order and strategy.

6. Simplify your social life
Because I work during the day, and want to spend time with my family during the night and weekend, I have to carve time for my social time, time with friends that are not part of my work and my core family. I choose Facebook and LinkedIn as my social life. Virtual friendship is the best social life for me, because I can access it anytime, anywhere I have time. I simplify my social life with limiting to just one or two social media, because I literally don't have time to jump into the rest social media like Twitter, What's App, Instagram, etc. Not because they are not good. No! That's just because I'm more familiar with FB and LinkedIn. And having these two are more than enough for me.

7. Take a break
My husband repetitively advising me to take a break. Have fun. Play a game. Enjoy a movie. Entertainment is important because it's de-stress us from the hectic things in life. He can't be more right. Take a break recharges your energy.

Hope these tips help. I have to thank one of my mentor who shared these 7 tips with me, back in Indonesia, in 2004. Thank you, Mrs. Angkasa!

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