Sunday, August 07, 2016

Happiness Waiting Time

In the matter of happiness,  I don't wait.

I don't wait until a certain age to be happy.
I don't wait until I get into a certain job title to be happy.
I don't wait until I have a possession (or two) to be happy.
I don't wait until I reach a destination.
I don't wait until I accomplish something.
I don't wait until the world change to my standard.
I don't wait until tomorrow.
I don't wait until my family are in different stage of life.
I don't wait until my birthday or anniversary.
I don't wait until the next big event, whether it's sports, political, or entertainment.
I don't wait until my workday over to be happy.
I don't wait until retirement.
I don't wait until Tuesday.
I don't wait until November.
I don't wait until the next Star Trek movie is released.
I don't wait until the new president is elected.
I don't wait until the lights turns green -- to be happy.
I don't wait until the oven beep.
I don't wait until dessert.
I don't wait until I can travel to Maldives.
I don't wait until I level up in my video games.
I don't wait until I finish reading a book.
I don't wait until school is done.
I don't wait until someone say hello to me.
I don't wait until the meeting is over.
I don't wait until I get a present or gift.

To be happy, I don't wait.

I just want to do "happy" now, and practicing happiness in every single moment is a goal that I am pursuing, in every single breath that I take.

I never wait to be happy anyway.

I was happy. I am happy. And I know I'll still be happy later.

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