Sunday, August 07, 2016

Living the dream (work)

Who knew. Something happened. It looks like a bad thing, but it turns out to be the start of the best thing in my life.

Mid July 2015. The company where I work for the last 9 years decided to close the site and lay everybody off. It's not because we were doing something bad, it's just business. I never thought that lay-off will become our reality. The company was generous though, they gave us 4 months to be prepared. They provided us moral support, providing us career counselors, helping us to get a new job to replace the one that we would soon loose. They held career classes, teaching us the tips and tricks to be successful in an interview, how to utilize professional networking, both on and offline, how to effectively use LinkedIn to propel you to the next step in the job hunt, and how to be confident in your job search. They plant confidence seed in ourselves and boost our low morale. I would forever be grateful for their encouragement in this difficult times.

My coworkers at the time were fantastic too. Especially my good friend, Betty. She advised me to not look for any job, but to selectively choose the ones that I really want. I told her that I would love to work in Vancouver, the city where I live, and no longer commuting 25 miles to Tigard everyday. I shared with Betty (and my other coworkers too, it's like the 10 of us! and our boss Kim, Dan, and Mary), so I shared with them that I would really love to go back to banking world (the branch life, not behind the scenes offices), and it will be great if I can get a work in Vancouver. They said, so do it. I replied,"Well, I've been trying to get a job in Vancouver and branch banking for the last 11 years! But I couldn't find it." Betty and the gang continued to advise me to hold on to my dreams and to not give up just yet.

So I follow their suggestions. I dare myself to apply to several banks, credit unions, investment firms, and other type of companies in Vancouver. There are times that I just want to give up and revert to a call center life, but my IMC team kept me on track. I remember Betty said,"You want to be picky now. This is your time to be choosy and keep applying to the job that you really want."

Job application after job application. Interview after interview. After 38 companies, 10 phones interviews, and 7 face-to-face interview, finally there's one company that answer to my call and decided to give me a chance. And guess what! That company is a bank (branch, not back office), and it's in Vancouver! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!

The interesting part is, the day of the lay-off, Dec 11, 2015; was that fateful day, when the bank called me and confirmed that I got the job in a Vancouver branch! Wow, just wow. One door closes, another one opens.

I forever will be grateful that I listened to the good advice from my colleagues. I forever will be grateful that I continue to hang on to my dreams, and keep pursuing it. And now, since day 1, I am living my dream. Everyday in the new office is a good day for me.

It's so... magical.

I want to thank you everyone (my previous company and my current company), plus all the great people I work with in the past and the present, who keep supporting me and push me forward. It was (and is) wonderful working with all of you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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