Saturday, September 24, 2016


"60 years from now, when I'm 97, I'll look back at this photo and remember the happy times I share with this wonderful man, my lovely husband. ♥""

That was my newest post in my Facebook status. I can't help it. Sometimes I dwell too much in the "future". I'm imagining how my life will be in the future, even though often times, I found, the future is different that what I envisioned before. But still, I can't help to not daydream about it.

Normally, the older generations will "go" first. That's the circle of life, isn't it? The old goes first, then the young become old, and so on. So, being the youngest in my family, I can't help thinking what my life will be when I become very old.

I imagine, when I'm 97. 60 years from now. The year of 2076.

Mama probably will be gone by then. My husband, which is only 5 years older than me, maybe still alive and kicking, or maybe joining my mom and dad in heaven. Me? I probably have few years left, or maybe already gone with the wind too.

But if I still alive by then, I probably will be alone, looking at old pictures, reminiscence on the good times of the past, counting my blessings, that once upon a time, I was given this good lifetime to enjoy with people I love and those same people who love me back.

A little tears show up in the corner of my eye.

I don't want the good times to be gone. I want the moments to stay. I want to freeze the time. Although I know, time will still move slowly from here to 2076.

So I'm thinking, and feeling, that I should always enjoy the good moments that we shared together in this short life. I should always cherished every moment. I always should make more room to love and to really live in the moment. I should let go every regret and never allow negative thinking to steal the precious moment of life. I always have to be happy and spread that happiness to everyone who are still in my life.

Because we all are given this one lifetime. The only lifetime. To love, to live, and to be happy. And to really spend the time with those people we love, who we called family and friends.

And now I have to go back to the kitchen and prepare our afternoon snacks. Going to bake some Red Lobster biscuits! ^_^

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