Saturday, September 10, 2016

Get Happy

I love shopping. Even if it's just for a soap. One of my favorite store is Bath and Body Works, and I always like their selections of hand soaps, shower gels, hand sanitizers, body lotions, etc. I usually get different kind of scents in one shopping trips, so this way we can alternate the soap, depends on our mood. What I have now in our shower is the "Get Happy" shower gel.

At first, I thought it was a grammatical error. I thought it's supposed to be "Be Happy". But the more I'm thinking about it, the more I realized that it is actually meant for us to "Get Happiness". To "Get Happy". Is happiness something that we should get? That we should pursue everyday?

I believe the answer is yes. We should always strive to "get happy". There will be a lot of things in life that will keep us distracted from the path of happiness. There will be some events that keep us off track. But no matter what, we should try to master happiness. There will be time later on to be sad. To grieve. But in the meantime, why not try to be happy?

In one of my blog post, Don't Worry Be Happy, it was outlined that to be happy is to be content. If in every single moment of your life, if you always happy, you'll lead a happy life. And a happy life is a great life!

Today, I wish you to be happy. If not, then get it! Get Happy! :)

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