Friday, September 16, 2016

"I'm still young. I'm only 66."

"I'm still young. I'm only 66." - T'Pol, Star Trek: Enterprise.

When T'Pol, Enterprise's Sub-Commander, said those wise words, I suddenly think deeper for the meaning behind it. T'Pol is a Vulcan, and for Vulcan, 66 is still considered young. Well, we all know that Vulcan has longer years to live compared to human.

But regardless, I really like the mindset of this concept. If you compare yourself now to the future, you are still young indeed. Who knows until when we'll live? If you know you're going to live to be 100, then 66 is still young. 34 years difference are right there!!

Now I'm going to be realistic. 66 in human age is not young. It is considered old. It's during the retirement time. The golden years. It's the time where you're facing with new things that never happened before: perhaps new grandchildren, new type of illness, or perhaps new type of dilemma of how to spend your time (considering if you work full 40 hours/week before), now that you have all those free time. It is the time where your money should work harder than yourself, so the financial experts say.

I like to think that age is just a number. You are as old as you think, and as young as you feel. In my age now, 37, I don't think I'm that old. Especially compared to 66. I feel that I'm right where I should be. I feel that now I have a little bit of wisdom of a 30, almost 40 yrs old, and still young enough to enjoy years before I have to wear a reading glasses. I do see some gray hairs here and there, but so what? Eventually I know all my hairs will be white anyway, so why not enjoy the natural highlight that gives a different and distinguish look?

I used to try to hide my gray hairs. I felt that it wasn't my time to have all that. But I look at my family member, my mom, cousins, aunts, oma, uncles, etc, and I like how they look now with their gray/white hairs. They look different than before. They look wise. So I've made a commitment with myself, that no matter what happens, I will never ever dye my hair anymore. I'm going to let it grow, and even proud showing my gray hairs, because that means I'm going to be wiser!

I'm wondering what my life will be when I'm 66. I kinda can't wait to peek at it. My mom always say, life still long, you'll never know what's going to happen next. And my husband will say that I shouldn't worry about things to come. Who knows if I still be alive by then? And that's true. My dad passed away when he was 59. He doesn't even ever see the age 66.

So, the moral of the story today is.... enjoy our age, whatever the number is. Today is the oldest you've been and the youngest  you will ever be!

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