Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Road to Blog

3 things I like to do, both consciously and unconsciously: to ponder, to write, to type. The first one, I can do it anytime. Well, anytime I don't require full concentration obviously, like when working or when cramming in an examination. One time when I was in Indonesia, I remember stepping into an escalator going down in Gajah Mada Plaza (a humble mall near my house; humble, because it was one of the earliest mall in Jakarta, simple and so 80's). My mind was somehow preoccupied with something deep like the meaning of life or something like that. That habit made me reflect on my surroundings, my current situation, what I want in life, gratitude, etc etc. I truly enjoy pondering.

Next, is to write. This is maybe because I like to read too. When I was 13, I wrote several stories. One my of friend in school, Dewi (I forgot her last name, sorry Wi!), but I remember she's very tall, dark skin, and pretty! She could be a model, but instead she chose to be a stewardess later on in life. Back to our junior high school time, Dewi borrowed my "novel" that I wrote, and read it during class. But unfortunately, a teacher found out about it and made her destroy my novel. Sniff!!!!!

Somehow I don't let that setback stop me though. I keep writing and sometimes I sent my stories to Perduki's team that handle bulletin and publication. Perduki is a religious organization group for businessman & woman. My parents belong to that organization and I grew up with them. They uploaded my stories and that challenged me to write and write more stories!

When I was in high school, I joined the journalism club. We had 2 choice: to be cartoonist or to be journalist. I chose the later because I enjoy interviewing, digging facts, and writing. I had the opportunity to interview several important public figures and upload our interview. Learn lots of things too. I really enjoyed it!

Third hobby: to type. I know it's weird, but I really do enjoy typing since I was firstly being taught to type in junior high school. It's a class, and yes we have "typing" examination too! It was probably around 1991 or 1992, I don't remember the exact year, but what I do remember though, we all learned to type using the original typewriter.

Our classroom examination is like this: the teacher put a sheet of paper covering our fingers while our fingers typing using that big clunky typewriter (imagine my difficulties pressing "Q" using my pinky! It was literally hard, you had to press that Q with your full energy with a pinky!). And our eyes, we can't see what we type on the paper, because we have to read the instruction paper that was put to our left. This practice basically making us to be able to type without even have to see the keyboard. I have to thank my typing teacher, because now, twenty something years later, I can type without looking at the keyboard at all. As if my fingers know which button to press and which fingers to do which letter. Very cool, huh?

There's also a warmth feeling listening to that original typewriter sound when you type something. And obviously there's no undo button on it. If you made a mistake, you have to scratch that paper and start from the beginning again... or you can use a white-out. But if you typing an important document, you can't use the white-out method.

Few years later, my dad bought us an electric typewriter, the brand is Brother. This was one of a very cool invention that I've ever had! I guess this is the "birth" of today's keyboard ancestor. I like how sleek it looks and how quiet the machine type when I type anything with it. It's just feel so modern, and yet this is the things of the 90s. Well, way back then, it was one of the best tool to use, before finally personal computer became common and available for everyone.

So all of these 3 hobbies combined, lead me into a new journey called blogging. The road to blog!

My friend Ignatia introduced me to a web called She mentioned to me that I can blog anything I want using that web. It's pretty fascinating. I can ponder any thoughts or feelings or any topic I'd like to discuss, write it, and publish it! I get to do the things I like to do like typing! I can channel my ideas, or even some silly random things, and ... publish it! For me, it's not really matter if I have an audience of 1000 readers, or an audience of 1. For me, what important is, the matter not lost. The matter is retained, and can be passed on to everyone who like to read it.

I guess, as an introvert, this is one of my way showing how you can get to know me from a different side that you've never seen before. Even I sometimes surprised myself when I read my previous blogposts! And laugh at it too sometimes. :)

That's why my blog motto is : ... and everything in between. I'd like to be able to type about anything, but not just anything, but anything that worth pondering about. And motivating us. And cheering us up!

And that's how I ended up blogging these days. :)

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