Saturday, October 08, 2016

The Story of 2 Farmers

Once upon a time, there were 2  farmers live side by side. Farmer Bob and Farmer Joe are their names. Bob and Joe have same size of barns, yards, and stocks. They have many chickens, cows, pigs, and other animal farms. They also have plenty fruits and vegetables growing in their lands.

One day, a wizard with a white tall hat visit their farms. The 2 farmers extend their hospitality to the wizard by opening their houses to eat, relax, and be merry. The wizard stays at Bob's house for 3 days, and at Joe's house for another 3 days. Before the wizard leave the farmers's place, he gave them each, 3 onyx apples, as a token of his gratitude.

Onyx apple may looks like a regular apple, but the value is a lot higher than a diamond or any jewel in the world. Its color is between blue and purple. If you eat it, it'll give you power for 2 hours. If you sell it, it'll give you a lot of money. The value of onyx apples fluctuates, but usually always appreciates.

Both farmers were very happy to receive the rare 3 onyx apples. Both farmers are wondering how they can get more onyx apples. The Saturday Market normally doesn't sell these things, because it's very rare to get it.

Farmer Bob decided to keep the 3 onyx apples in a basket, hidden in his pantry shelf. Because this apple is magical, it will never go bad, no matter how long this apple is stored. Farmer Bob thought that if he just keep it and never use it, then he will never ran out of his onyx apples. And once in a while, Farmer Bob will check the market to see if there's any onyx apples in stock, that he could buy, so he can increase his onyx apples supply.

Farmer Joe decided a different approach. He thought,"This is still an apple, no matter the name. I will treat it as an apple and will plant for it." He cut his first onyx apple to obtain the seed from it. He ate the apple and plant the seed. For 2 hours he get the super power from it : to do everything faster, stronger, smarter, better. He cut his second onyx apples, feed the fruits to his animals, and plant the seed. And finally, he cut his third onyx apples, make an onyx juice that he'll blend to his fruits and vegetable fertilizers, and plant the seeds.

Farmer Bob look at his neighbor, and thinks his neighbor is crazy. He laughed at Joe and said,"Look! Now you don't have any onyx apples anymore!" Farmer Bob then invited all his friends, so they can get a look of his precious 3 onyx apples. Farmer Bob put a glass case for each of his onyx apples, really treasure it, and protect it as something precious.

Days become nights. Nights become days. Days become months and months become years. Farmer Bob keep laughing at Farmer Joe for his "stupidity", for losing those 3 onyx apples so quick. Farmer Joe just shrug his shoulders and continue with his life. Farmer Bob keep inviting his friends once a week to see how beautiful his 3 onyx apples were, and thinking he now must be the most luckiest person in the world.

3 months later...

Farmer Joe's chickens are fluffier, healthier, and laid eggs faster than Farmer Bob's. Farmer Joe's cows generates more milk, faster, and tasted better, compared to Farmer Bob's. Farmer Joe's pigs are extremely healthy, does look happier, and they produce more piglets rather than Farmer Bob's. Farmer Joe's fruits and vegetables are better, bigger, and more than the normal amount. Everything in the farms seems better and brighter at Farmer Joe's.  This situation somehow attract more customers to Farmer Joe's farm, although Farmer Bob is displaying his 3 onyx apples in a glass case to get customers's attention.

Soon enough, Farmer Joe has more money than Farmer Bob, where he finally need to buy bigger barn to be able to contain all the produce he harvested. Farmer Joe now has more chicken, cows, and pigs. And now Farmer Joe need to expand his customer's list to reach out more stores and individuals, so he can be able to sell all the leftovers!

Farmer Bob still think that he's better off than Farmer Joe, because Farmer Joe has no onyx apples, and Farmer Bob still have 3 onyx apples that he can sell at anytime, if he need money for anything.

5 years later...

An onyx apple tree sprouted at Farmer Joe's land. It finally mature and ready to be harvested. And another one. And another one! Each tree bears about 20 or more onyx apples, and Farmer Joe can't be more happier! Finally his persistence paid off! Now, he has more than 60 onyx apples at his barn.

Farmer Joe decided to repeat what he did 5 years ago. He cut 3 apples, and plant 3 seeds for his new 3 apple trees. So now, instead of having just 3 onyx apple trees, he'll have 6 onyx apples trees.

Farmer Joe decided to do a new thing. He grabbed 10 of his new and ripe onyx apples, and take it to the market. He sold his 10 onyx apple and decided to open a new bed and breakfast with the proceed of his sales. He hire a manager to run his bed and breakfast and pay generous salary to him. Now instead of having just a farm, he's a new businessman in town! With a profit from the bed and breakfast, he was able to finance any repairs needed, provide great meals with the fruits, veggies, eggs, and meats from his farms, and run the inn smoothly.

Now Farmer Joe are ten times richer, happier, and busier than ever. His onyx apples keep growing in his fertile soil. He enjoys the fruits of his labor. And Farmer Bob can only see his neighbor's fortune in his sad little farm.

The End.

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