Monday, June 12, 2017

Important Reminders

I've been away from blogging for the last 6 months, and I recently published my 125th blog post this morning. But just because I was away from blogging, it doesn't mean that I did nothing. As a matter of fact, I've been learning so many invaluable lessons from work and life in general.

I was busy at work and home. I literally had no time for anything else beside work, family, rest, and sleep. It's not that I think work is more important than anything else, but in reality, I do need to go to work if I want to be able to pay bills. Living is not cheap, you have to buy food, gas, pay mortgage (or rent) and other utilities that doesn't pay by itself (well, unless if you do the auto pay, but still you will need an incoming income to support that!). Rest is also important (gaming, Netflixing, etc), to keep my battery "recharged" and feel refreshed the next day after a good night sleep.

Nonetheless, now that I have a little bit of time for myself, I want to put these important reminders in this blog. This way I can share it with you and put a friendly reminder to myself just in case I wander in life aimlessly.

1. Life is a marathon.
Life is not a sprint. It's not just a matter from point A to point B.  Once you reach point B, you'll either have to think about point C, or life will push you to point D and you have to deal with it. Life never stops. I found that I feel more alive when I know that I'm running a marathon of life, which means I have a destination to reach, I have a goal to get, I have a target to hit. I compared myself between when I have a goal, and when I don't set a goal to myself, to be just "Que Sera Sera". I came to the conclusion that when I have a goal to achieve, I work more productively and I produced better results. It doesn't have to be a crazy goal, it's just have to be smart. The fact knowing that you did everything you can to get to your goal, it'll fulfill you. Remember, there is no comfort zone. Keep your eyes on the prize, and don't just fixate your vision, but RUN for it. Run to the finish line!

2. Don't be complacent.
Reached your goal? Good! But don't stop there. Get busy to your next goal. Don't let the last winning be your last. Do continue! Keep moving! Better get hustle! Keep going to where you need to be going. Create that momentum. You know what momentum is? Momentum is a force or speed of movement. You keep going until you hit the critical mass of whatever it is you're doing, until you became unstoppable. You won't reach momentum if you slacking, by stopping here and there, and especially by being complacent. So quit your daydreaming and back to working on your goals. Stop living in fantasy and get back to real world. What happened in the past, stay in the past. Move on!

3. Kaizen.
Sometimes we like to procrastinate. We like to delay on doing things we don't want to do. Who knows it'll go away so we don't have to do it anymore. Me myself included in this. Guilty! So one day after work, I told my husband that I was so disappointed at myself because I knew I was slacking. I didn't do my best. I found excuses on not giving myself 100%. My husband, the wise man he is, he simply put a YouTube video to help me overcome this laziness. Kaizen is basically an ideas of continuous improvement. There are great videos that worth to view for this Japanese principle:
a. How to apply it to improve your life.
b. A Japanese technique to overcome laziness.
c. Human Kaizen (Ted Talk)

The next day, I applied this Kaizen principle. I pushed myself to do things that I have to do even though I don't want to do it. I continuously improving my method, be more efficient, and magically my day was 180 degrees different than it was before. I produced better results, have better conversation with everyone I met, and leave work happier! I felt so accomplished! I said to myself: no more procrastinating! Do it now so you don't have to do it later!

There will be more important reminders in days head, but for now, I'll just focus on those three points above.

Life is a marathon, so don't be complacent; kaizen your way to reach your finish goal!

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