Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Bed Sheet

*Permission granted by the author*

Recently my roommate and I were shopping for a new bed sheet set. As I finally move in to my new apartment for my new job, I decided that I have to have at least a new bed sheet set for my queen bed. My roommate was kind enough to allocate her time to shop with me, as she doesn't need a new bed sheet.

We went to the mall, browse around from one store to another store. From Macy's, JC Penney, to Sears, to even the stores that sell bed sheet set and pillow separately. After a good hour of browsing here and there, I finally made up my choice to the JC Penney Homes Collections brand. It was a good 300 count thread.  I know 400 and higher will be much nicer, but I don't have much in my budget for that! This one is priced at $50, and with stores' discount, the final price is at $29.99. Not bad at all considering the other set was in a range between $100 to $150!

So after shopping, we went home to our apartment. I set the new bed sheet immediately! I love getting new stuff! The new bed sheet feels good. It is soft enough to my skin, and I feel very comfortable in it.

Twenty minutes later, my roommate came in and said,"Andrea, you need to see this! In this website, you'll get 3 bed sheets set for only $56!!! I think you should return the one you just bought and get this one instead!"

Normally I would jump in and do it right away. 3 for $56, that means each one only priced at $18.66! Which is way cheaper than the $29.99 I just bought. But something hold my ground. This time, I stop and think first. My gut feeling is saying that I shouldn't do this. Why?

1. Do I really want to spend another hour to do all these stuff? Pull the bed sheet away from my bed, into the box, drive back to the mall, return it to the store, and then go back from the store, get online, and buy the new bed sheet? Right now at this point I don't have to do anything more as I already reach my goal: new bed sheet. I value my time. I really don't want to spend another time doing this again.

2. Am I really saving money by doing all these? Looks like it'll be cheaper to buy the 3 set for $56 vs 1 set for $30, but technically I have to spend $56. I can't spend just $18 in that online deal. If I spend $56, that means I have to shelled out $26 more from my pocket. I value my money. That $26 can go towards something else, like... saving!

3. Plus, do I really need the other 2 bed sheets? I only have 1 bed. And I don't think I'm diligent enough to change to the new bed sheet every now and then. Besides, usually I just wash them and put it back on again every time I need to change it. I don't want to end up having too many stuff that I won't need. Especially if I need to move again in the near future. I value my space. I don't want to have cluttered space storing stuff I don't need.

Conclusion: I said thank you to my roommate and politely decline her offer. I'm sure she has the very best intention, but in the end of the day, I already found the bed sheet I need, and now I can move on to the next thing that I need to do: finish unpacking my boxes! The sooner I finish these, the sooner I can relax in my new bed sheet!

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