Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Place to Sleep and I Eat Everyday

Some nights I cannot sleep.

Call it insomnia, stress, or over worry, but my brain keep thinking and thinking and thinking when it's time to go to sleep. I have been having this condition for years. I know sleep is very important, so I ask my husband who is an expert in sleep peacefully like a baby at night.

I asked him,"With everything in life that was thrown at you, how can you still be able to sleep soundly at night?"

His reply was simple.

"Well, I can sleep good at night because I know that I have a place to sleep and I eat everyday. Nothing else matters."


This is so deep! When he said that one liner, I stopped thinking for a minute and let it sink. A place to sleep, and eat everyday. Isn't that the common basic needs of human? That is so true! So why worry about anything else?

So from now on, I will practice this concept every night before I go to sleep. As long as I have a place to sleep at night, and I eat everyday, I should be happy and content. And being content will lead to night full of sleeps.

May we all sleep soundly like a baby, tonight, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow!

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