Tuesday, August 22, 2017

World Peace (How)

In my previous blog post, World Peace (What), I describe what and why world peace is so important. I lay out the 5 stages of peace to get to world peace faster.

Now I'm going to share with you how we can achieve world peace together. It's actually easier than you think.

To accomplish a common goal, we have to unite and fight our common enemy. Who is our common enemy? Actually, it's not a who, but it's a what! Our common enemy is not each other, or other countries, ... the other people are our allies in this!

Our common enemy is the world's problem. We can list many of the world's problem, but I think this is the top 3:
1. Poverty/Social Gap
2. Climate change
3. Incurable diseases.

When people still think that other people is their enemy, they will try to eradicate other people. This way of thinking is dangerous. This could lead to tension and hostility. This could lead to war.

War is not the answer. Open diplomatic channel. Sit down and talk.

When we all can work together and find creative solutions to tackle the world's challenge, I believe eventually we will achieve world peace 100%. I believe one day we will have world peace!

If you want world peace faster, share this article around. May peace be with you.

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