Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life?

Is it money? Wealth? Fame? Success? Reaching the top ladder of the world?
It is not actually.

The purpose of life is... happiness.

No matter what you do in life, if you are not happy doing it, it's not worth it. Without happiness, everything is shallow.  I found that when people are happy doing their work, they'll be more successful in their field. There's a deep connection and correlation between happiness and success.

Finding your inner happiness is as important as outer happiness. There are a lot of people that may not have everything their heart desire, but they are still happy because they are grateful for things (or people, like family and friends) that they already have.

It is a bit challenging to find happiness in this world today. With all the hecticness of life, busy rushing in and out doing this and that, with us constantly being pitted against each other in every measurement metrics out there, being truly happy is a rare state of mind. Sometime we thought we're happy if we have these stuff, or happy if we reach our goals and destinations, or happy if we have a certain person in our lives.

But who are we kidding?

Happiness is not the matter of owning bunch of stuff. Happiness is not when we reach certain stats. Happiness is not when we have finally connected with this person or that person.

True happiness is when you feel peace, calm, and serene even though it's chaotic out there. Happiness is when you can relax amidst the full schedule ahead. Happiness is when you share your happy moments with those people that you love and loves you back. Happiness is accepting who you really are and embracing your inner self. Happiness is being content.

Today, I wish you to be happy. Practice happiness everyday.  It is the purpose of life.

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