Friday, August 18, 2017

Life is ...

What is life?

1. Life is a multiple choice.
The way we comb our hair, the flavor we choose our ice cream, the choices we make everyday, make up our life. Just be wise with our choices, they will follow us. Always choose to do the right thing. Always choose the best. Always do your best.

2. Life is an essay.
Every day we start with a new blank page. We can write whatever we want in it. Life is unlimited, you can be whatever you want to be.

3. Life is a book.
When you look at your past life, let's say in school, college, or your first work, you'll find your life is always evolving into something different in each stage. Just like a book filled with chapters, so does life. Each stage of life is unique and surprising. And when you "read" your life from 5, 10, 15, even 20+ years ago, you'll see that you are growing into better state each time. If you're life is not getting better, then change something.

4. Life is how you handle plan B.
This sentence is so deep, there's even no explanation needed for it. You can plan all you want, but life always will throw something at you, and that's called plan B. Chess is a good practice game on how you'd like to "plan" life.

5. Life is what you make it.
It is what it is. Life is what you live. How you think and do everyday is the sum of your life. Daily habits become the way of live. So cultivate a good habit, every single day.

Have a great life!

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