Saturday, August 19, 2017

Why Titanic Sunk

20 years ago, 1997, I watched a great movie called, Titanic. This is a movie that I watched over and over again, and everyone who know me back then can testified how I really adored Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater's love story in this awesome film. I like the movie so much, I even listened to Celine Dion's OST Titanic "My Heart Will Go On" like ... a million time!

A lot of people say that the reason why Titanic sunk was because of an iceberg. But the truth is, Titanic sunk not because of the iceberg. The iceberg was already there anyway.

The reason why the giant ship sunk, is because of... poor planning.

1. Life boats counts were less than the passengers, crews, and everyone aboard.
The ratio between the life boat and the people on board was way off. When Rose raised up this concern to one of the higher-ups, they just dismissed it. Have they paid attention to Rose's concern, they could make a game plan on how to solve this problem earlier.

2. The leadership team wasn't in unison.
One got too ambitious and want to make the headline by making the ship ran faster than what was agreed. The captain was influenced by the news reporter, and made a bad decision to speed up the boat. This greediness cost lives.

3. The crew was distracted.
Remember the scene after Jack and Rose made love in the carriage? They went out from the side door and were laughing out loud. The look-out crew on top of the ship got distracted with their laugh and kinda laughing at them. When he finally no longer distracted, it was too late to send the warning that could avoid the iceberg. Bam!

So... how we can prevent this from happening again? Easy.
1. Plan ahead. 
2. If there was issue escalated to your attention, do something about it. 
3. Stick to the plan and if you need to make any changes, analyze why.
4. Don't get distracted. Focus on your duties. Focus on what you're doing now. 

These steps will help us in any situation, whatever your "ship" situation is. Don't blame the iceberg. Find the root cause and find resolution. Then solve your problems.

Have a good day, everyone!

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