Wednesday, November 29, 2017

6 Tips to Become A Millionaire

Tips by Chris Hogan, the author Retired Inspired.

1. Dream big.
Dreams can wake you up and become your motivation. Put the dreams on paper.

2. Really commit.
Deep commitment, not just lip-service of actions you want to take. Truly being focus. Other things have to be limited or even discarded. Remind yourself of that mission day in and day out.

3. Work a plan.
Talk with successful people. Take notes. Listen to what other people are doing. Learn the truth about money and how it works. Figure out if this something I want or something I need. You have to know what's coming in (income) and what's coming out (expenses). Learn how to count. Debt is a threat. Debt delays you from your dream, from your millionaire status. Stay allergic to debt. Know the importance of investing. Compound interest is huge. Starting early is the key! Diversify your investment. Use all available tools to help build your dreams.

4. Don't get distracted.
Stay focus. Keep your lifestyle in check. Don't worry about other people.

5. Don't fall for stupid.
Get smarter. Avoid car payments! Interest that you pay is penalty. Interest that you earn is reward. Instead of paying car payment, send that monthly payment to your 401(k). Make wiser choices for your jeans, phones, and laptops.

6. Don't forget the goal.
Know what you're trying to accomplish.

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