Thursday, December 07, 2017


In life, you've got to have a cushion.

Call it a buffer, a space, a distance; cushion serves to separate us from the edge of living. Cushion is our safety net.

In money terms, cushion is savings.
In time terms, cushion is the time gap between one activity to another.
In sitting terms, cushion is the pillow between us and chair that give us comfort.
In people terms, cushion is a wall between us and people who degrade us.

In many thing, cushion is a necessary skill we need to have to ensure our survival. If we don't have cushion, if we don't have a room between us and life, we could resort to any means that sometimes lead to trouble. By the definition, cushion soften the effect of an impact on. The synonyms for this word are protect, shield, shelter, cocoon.

For example: let's say you have to be at work at 9 am. You know between traffic and everything, it will take you 30 minutes to get there. But instead of going at 8.30 am, you want to give your self 5-10 minutes cushion (or even more), just in case there is an accident that would delay your commute. When you leave home at 8.25 am or 8.20 am, that's when you give yourself cushion. And as we know, in life, there are some unpredictability things we cannot control. That's why you want to give yourself a bit of time for that "just in case" moment.

Living on the edge sounds fun, but if you do this everyday, eventually life will catch up to you, and you'll be behind on your schedules and then need to play catch up. It's just better to be ahead rather than catching up. When you're ahead, you have more control and eventually can minimize the damage life might prepare for you. Soften the blow.

Have as many cushions as you like. The more you protect yourself from the mystery of tomorrow, the more you become prepared. Beside that, cushion is comfy and who doesn't like comfy things?

Have a cushion in life. It'll help you to get ahead.

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