Sunday, November 05, 2017

Cutthroat Kitchen

Have you ever seen Cutthroat Kitchen? It's a cooking game show where all the four contestants are given $25,000 each to compete with each other, where they can use the money for their own advancement, or to sabotage their competitions. They have to cook their way out, and despite of any challenges they have to face, their dish will be judged while the judge has no idea what kind of adversity they've been through. It's really entertaining, and definitely full of life lessons.

What makes this cooking competition unique, is the situation they're being throw into. It's not going to be a perfect cooking stage. Not only the chef must have the ability to cook, but they also have to outwit and sabotage their opponents to win. The last standing chef will win his/her leftover money.

The money itself, they can spend it at auctions to get things that could help them, like buying exclusive ingredients, or hinder their foe, like make them cook with one hand while the other hand is tied up. Or have one chef go walk in a treadmill while preparing their dish. Or make one chef bake in a children's oven. Very creative challenges and the best one I've ever seen!!

It's the show where you gotta play with the hands you've dealt. Accept it, deal it, and make the most of the current situation or circumstances, to make use of that which one is afforded or has available. Simply put, do the best with what you have.

Isn't that concept so similar with life? Despite of our circumstances, we are being expected to deliver our best. Despite of our adversity, we are expected to get up and face whatever we need to face. To be professional. To not only finish the job, but to do it so well, although our worlds crumbling down around us. While we battle our own challenges, we still need to wake up in the morning and go to work. To perform 120% and give it all.

Do you think our customers, superiors, shareholders, and whoever we need to give answer and accountability care how difficult our life was? No. They expect results. And they will reward those who work hard and deliver progressive results, despite of our emotions and situations that day.

I'm not saying they are heartless. But life is life. You still need to do your job. You still need to pay the bills. You still need to pickup your axe and swing at that tree if you want to survive. You must go on. Stop the pity party and work your way up.

You will be so proud of yourself of your accomplishment. Of all the rewards that you reap although you're crying inside. You are a survivor, and you will need to do anything to survive (thru legal means though, no cheat mode!). You are strong, you are smart, you will have the ability to figure it out, whatever "it" is. Always think that you're a winner, and you'll think like a winner.

And that's what Cutthroat Kitchen had taught me all these years watching them.

Survival of the fittest.

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