Sunday, March 04, 2018

2018 Resolution

Usually people make New Year's Resolution around the new year's time. But I guess it took me 3 months and 4 days to finally make my 2018 resolution. It took me a week off from my work and some quiet time in the swimming pool to finally make me realize that I need to make some positive changes if I want to live longer, ... and happier.

So here we go. Here's my 2018 resolution. This year I vow to...
1. Eat healthier.
2. More positive thinking.

Eat healthier for me means :

  • no red meat,
  • no cheese (or choose to not have cheese if it's up to me), 
  • no fried stuff, 
  • no chips and unhealthy snacks, and 
  • portion control. 

My goal is to lower my cholesterol. I admit it, I do have a high cholesterol. But during the past few years I have been able to lower it bit by bit, so I knew I can do it. I just have to make health-conscious decision whenever I plan to eat. Goal must be SMART, right? So by the next check up time (Jan 2019), I hope my cholesterol level will be down to 250 (I know it's still over 200, it's still high, but my level now is at 279, so not bad for a start!).

More positive thinking means in every situation I'm in, I choose to be happy. I choose to accept life the way it is and not get overworked in the details. For me this is not easy, because I'm a melancholic person. I like details and sometimes got obsessed in tiny little things. When I peel my shrimps, I lined them up one by one in a neat row, so it's tidy and don't look like a mess. Some people might say I got OCD, but yep, that's me.  I learn that sometimes details doesn't matter because things could change again. I mean... the shrimp eventually will be cooked together in a frying pan anyway, so there's no need to line them up, right? But meh, I still like my line-up shrimps! Hahaha!!

Anyway, positive thinking is also means to enjoy life as it is. Don't futuring so much because it could still change. I need to practice more positive thinking. Instead of looking at the downside of things, I need to push myself to be grateful and look at the bright side. Practice empathy when encounter other people that less fortunate than myself. Do not be envy to other people that more fortunate than myself, instead, be happy for them! Always be kind and do the right thing. Always be excited for new things in life! Always looking forward. Move forward, not backwards.

These are my two resolutions. Better late than never, so I'm starting one in March now! :)

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