Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hard Work and Work Hard

People say that we should work smart instead of work hard. But no matter how you say it, it will still required some work to achieve success. How I see it, almost all of successful people in any field, they possessed a special quality that makes them accomplish their goals.

They work hard.

The don't stop until they finish (unless if they need to eat or sleep, and sometimes they even sacrifices sleep!). They focus. They push themselves to the next level. It's hard work and work hard.

After some deep thinking, I concluded that there are five shades of working hard attribute. There might be more. But here are some that I could think of (so far...)

1. Don't be complacent.
Aka don't be lazy. You are only as good as your last sale. Keep moving forward. Being lazy (sloth) is one of the seven deadly sins, right?

2. Daily discipline.
Develop a good routine. Build a consistent habit. Small improvement can lead to big changes.

3. Follow the process.
Trust the process. Don't skip or jump around. Be consistent with your flow and eventually you'll gain speed. Perfecting your work until you can finish it faster.

4. Learn to control the person in the mirror.
Stop complaining. Stop regretting. Start working. Chop chop.

5. Maximize opportunities.
Every single time.

You've heard what Vince Lombardi had said:

So let's start today by working hard and finish the day with your hard work!

Have a great day!

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