Saturday, September 01, 2018

Another Day in Paradise

When you have a fight with someone, at what point do you know when to throw in the towel? To quit working together to repair the broken connection between you two? Or when to give that person another chance to prove that he/she is worthy of your friendship?

I can only think one answer for this question. I think it is okay to give him/her another chance if he/she is showing that they are trying to mend the relationship. If they have intention to give this another try too.

So my husband and I have been having a lot of fights lately. These are struggling times for the both of us. Some was caused due to outside factors that have nothing to do with us. Things that we don't have any control over. Some are caused by the things we caused ourselves. There are days that we just daydream what if we don't have each other anymore.

But the funny thing is, we possess this trait called resilience. It is a human nature to want to fix things. It feels like a challenge.

We decided to give it another try.

Last night, my husband said a magical phrase that suddenly make me laugh out loud, and forget about what we were fighting before. It is a phrase that I always say over & over again, and it rang true to my core. It is this:

"Past performance doesn't guarantee future results."

I'm an investment-minded woman. I like finance and investments stuff, and all the talk shows about it. In the past, I refer to that phrase to talk about our money, 401(k), and retirement plans. But last night when my husband said that (and he said that with a crooked smile too), I knew that he wasn't referred it to any dollar stuff. He referred it to us. Just because we have fight last month and last week, doesn't mean that we'll fight again tomorrow.

And it's true.  Today we don't have any fight at all! Actually we decided to clean up our house and reorganize few things. I feel so accomplished today!!! :)

So, for any couples out there that are in the midst of a perfect storm, I have an encouragement words for you today. Don't give up. Believe in your love. Give it a go again. Tomorrow is a new day. Live in the present. Don't always go back to the past and to get even. Forgive and move on. Don't quit.

It's another day in paradise.

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